Recent content by Ramylawand

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  1. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Guys please some help.... My clown is now getting the same thing
  2. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Hello everyone, so all is great, my tank is fully stocked now. I noticed a couple of days ago some white patches appearing on my bicolor dotty back.... No other fish has anything similar... I attach some photos. I don't think it is ich( I hope).... Can anyone identify? On the fins, it looks like...
  3. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Thanks username... I caught two crabs so far and tonight before I go to sleep, I discovered another one I have never seen.... Also yesterday late night I was hearing some clicking too... Hope it's not a mantis!! On a positive note, I got a six line wrasse, a golden head sleeper goby, a...
  4. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Thank you so much! This is exactly it... Is it harmful to fish or shrimps? Been reading bout it not being safe for reef but nothing about fish.... Here are some photos... Can you tell what the slimy stuff building up in my tank are? They look like.... Spider lines
  5. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    5 turbo snails, 1 fire shrimp and 1 cleaner shrimp :) of course not altogether, over a period of 10 days... My tank is coming ALIVE!!!
  6. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Thank you Beengirl, my crab is now mor active than ever.... He is checking out his new tank mates :)... Doesn't seem to be harmful... I added a cowrie tiger
  7. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Anyone on the crab? Or can't tell from the photo? Also, I got 2 clowns which are doing very well, my water parameters are excellent.... What would you guys suggest as stock? This coming weekend, I want to add some cuc and a couple of additional fish.... Suggestions please :)
  8. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    So I got a photo of my little inhabitant :) can anyone identify?
  9. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    I will try to get a pic if I ever see it again... As you said there are loads of hiding places in my tank
  10. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    So... I wake up in the middle of the night.... The shrimp had moved!!!! Turned on the light and see a small black crab munching on it!!!! And a small worm swimming around In the tank!!!! First time I see them.... Probably hitch hikers! Tried to look for them this morning again couldn't find...
  11. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Ok so 2 Shrimps in.... Is that a lot? Also added a small powerhead of 1100 litres per hour :)
  12. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Ok so I returned today, siphoned the algae on the sand bed, and scrubbed the rocks and now the tank is clean :D had a micro bubble issue, turned out that the water in the pump container was low.... So refilled it and no more micro bubbles instantly!! :) Which method do you guys recommend for...
  13. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Thanks! I can't wait to be back to look after my tank! Do you think that a water change is necessary at this stage. It has been running for the past 2 weeks and my LFS advised that I don't do anything .... But here we go!! algae bloom .... :s anyway... I will refrain form adding any fish till I...
  14. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Thank you, ok so the lights are off now :) luckily a friend of mine is stayin at mine while I am away.he will also add a mediumshrimp, with the shell cut into 3 pieces in there... Any chemical I can add to kill off the algae?
  15. R

    200L juwel FOWLR tank w sump and protein skimmer

    Hey, thx, yes, the lights had been on for about 12 hours a day...dd the tsts last week and they were: Ph: 8.4 Amo: 0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:0 That was before the bloom... I guess no ammonia yet.... Am travelling now and will be back Saturday, so thought not to add any fish till I get back and...
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