Recent content by RandallStuart

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  1. R

    Hidden Assassin Snail!

    Tried one of those breeder nets that hang on top of tanks, with a ghost shrimp, with the lip of the net above the water so he couldn't get out. Figured the assassin would smell him better through the mesh, and climb and dine. Nothing after three days. The ghost shrimp is now loose and doing...
  2. R

    Hidden Assassin Snail!

    I have a 5 gallon nano: coupla neons, galaxy rasboras and pygmy corys, all non-aggressive. Got assassin snail to take care of snail infestation. 2 mos later introduced RCSs. All now gone.*No other suspects. Problem is substrate is same color as assassin and lots of hiding spots. Need something...
  3. R

    Hidden Assassin Snail!

    I have an assassin snail that's camouflaged in my substrate. He's picked off all nine of my red cherry shrimps and I can't find him. Any advice on luring him out?
  4. R

    Getting rid of assassin snails

    I've searched every forum and site. No one gives specific advice on getting rid of assassin snails. My pet shop gave me one to get rid of the snails that hitched a ride on a plant into my 5 gallon nano. It got rid of them but now my red cherry shrimp are disappearing. My substrate is large and...
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