Recent content by REDmolly

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  1. REDmolly

    New Molly, New Hobbyist

    Molly is doing well did a PH test today and it was 1.0. What does that mean? Do I need to add something to the water?
  2. REDmolly

    New Molly, New Hobbyist

    I've read about this. I've had success with a goldfish in a tank of this size before. He lived seven years and I changed the water weekly. But we have Molly now :) I'll read up on cycling. Thank you!
  3. REDmolly

    New Molly, New Hobbyist

    Thanks :). I had done a 50% water change this morning and things look good. Molly is the most active I've seen her since we got her. If I understand what cycling the water is, I did have the filter and water running for a week before getting the fish. Just not the heater bc we were planning...
  4. REDmolly

    New Molly, New Hobbyist

    Ok. Here's my update. Spoke to pet store yesterday. No one had told me that this fish needed a heated environment. She said to save the fish to get one which we did and it's been running almost 24 hours. I also found out that the chemical given to me when I set up the tank with tap water was an...
  5. REDmolly

    New Molly, New Hobbyist

    Hi :). We just purchased a 5 gallon tank with filter, cover, rocks, plants, etc. we used tap water to fill it, conditioned the water twice in a week's time. We picked up a gold dust Molly on Tuesday. I acclimated it in water in bag for 15 minutes and let him out. We're noticing he's not very...
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