Recent content by River

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  1. R

    Bleach or not?

    Thank you :) I'll just do a few more vinegar treatments :D
  2. R

    Betta stock help?

    wouldn't put neons with Betta fish, as neons nip fins, so if you put neons with your betta, you risk your betta fish's tail being nipped.
  3. R

    Bleach or not?

    So I just want some info on bleaching a tank, for the full story as to why, you can go here http:// Some members suggested I still bleach the tank, it's an acrylic tank, but I've been told by others to never use bleach on an acrylic tank...
  4. R


    Vinegar is a disinfectant, it cleans things (bacteria, germs ect..) that's why I used it. My tank is acrylic, that's why I didn't use bleach, I was told it might seep into the plastic.:confused: I don't know xD
  5. R

    Does my betta have velvet?

    I'm not 100% sure it is velvet, however, to be sure, raise the temperature of the tank to 80F and add aquarium salt according to package directions that pair with how big your tank is. If it is in fact velvet, (and someone else can chime in to help confirm or dismiss this!) then you will need a...
  6. R


    So, a few weeks ago I came here for advice for my old sick Betta, who sadly passed away, even after trying to treat him for Velvet. I would like to get another Betta eventually, so I cleaned the tank, and I'd like to make sure i've cleaned it thoroughly. So I washed the whole tank in plain...
  7. R


    I would definitely find out if anyone you know, who knows how to take care of goldfish, or again if someone has a pond, that could be a good place for the fish to go and live :)
  8. R

    Newbie: sick betta splendens

    No problem :) But if your tank is 60 liters, that's only about 15 gallons which means your tank is likely over stocked Is the water heated? do you have a filter? Betta fish should have water heated to at least 78F
  9. R

    Newbie: sick betta splendens

    How big is your tank? Other fish might be picking on him, nipping and whatnot, you might need to separate him into his own tank.
  10. R

    Worried about Betta..

    Final update: Rosco had to be put down this morning, as he was no longer eating, and just generally was not well, I didn't want to prolong his suffering anymore. Rest In Paradise little buddy, swim free and without any illness or injury, I hope you had a good life. <3 Thanks for being my little...
  11. R

    Worried about Betta..

    So from the looks of it, Rosco has velvet, and I'll be treating him with copper, from what I got from a friend of a friend, Rosco's immune system has been suppressed, and thus he gets infections easily. I've moved him to a hospital tank, and I'll be keeping him there for a little over a week and...
  12. R

    Worried about Betta..

    Because he has had fin rot in the past, and the edges of his tail are frayed and ripped, it helps to prevent any more infection, it's also good for reducing stress for him, as he use to live in very stressful situations and thus I think he has lost some ability to fight infection. according to...
  13. R

    Worried about Betta..

    Ok so, one of my male Betta fish, Rosco seems to be having an issue. He's probably around 2/3 years of age. I rescued him from a neighbor who didn't want him anymore, and he had fin rot when I got him, but I took care of that, and that was when I first got him, about a year and a half ago. Some...
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