Recent content by SamW74

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  1. SamW74

    Friends for my betta?

    @ mattyfelts It's a 22 litre tank & neon tetras ! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  2. SamW74

    Friends for my betta?

    Thanks, that certainly gives me food for thought?? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  3. SamW74

    Friends for my betta?

    P.S. The tank I have is 22 litres! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  4. SamW74

    Friends for my betta?

    Hi I'm new to keeping fish and new to the forum. I've had my betta just over a month, I also have a couple of snails (which he's fine with). However when I've added neon tetras & shrimp he seems to attack them. I'd like to get him company can anyone recommend anything in particular please...
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