Recent content by Sarah E

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  1. Sarah E

    Urgent Help!

    Thank you so much! It's so obvious now that they have Ich. I only have the two angels in that tank, and both of them have the ich. I'll ask if it's possible to use an ich, fungal, and antibacterial, because the antibacterial I believe would be very beneficial for the open wound.
  2. Sarah E

    Urgent Help!

    Could use some advice. A few days ago, charcoal the angelfish developed small white dots, 4 on either side of his head, that were cottony growths. Used Pimafix for 4 days, a melafix 1 day, then pimafix again and the dots seemed to fade, but not disappear. Last night I discovered he had a...
  3. Sarah E

    Adding Fish Breed help

    they are rainbowfish. i'd bought 6, and all but two died in my ammonia spike. I had my aquatic frogs, 4 bosmatti, my other angel, and a couple of corydoras catfish die when my water spiked. Would you recommend adding rainbowfish before tetras? or could I add thme after tetras? they're really...
  4. Sarah E

    Adding Fish Breed help

    The Harlequin are beautiful, it'd be nice to have a shoaling fish with a small group of them. The apistos, they're cichlids, right? Or are they a kind of ram? Because I know cichlids have a hard time getting together with other cichlids.
  5. Sarah E

    Adding Fish Breed help

    My 75 gallon tank is finally healthy. After a year of cycling, then a huge ammonia spike which killed half of my fish, and some hesitancy towards cleaning and changing my tank, I've managed to settle everything out to the point where my fish are thriving, and I've even seen a few baby corydoras...
  6. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    Yes, my rams were a pare as well. Good point. I think my Gouramis are a male and female, one of the ones that my LFS sold me, had died there, so I only got 2, so instead of 2f 1m i think i got 1m 1g.
  7. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    It could be, you have two females, or a male and female. I believe I have two females, and they get along perfectly with each other, but they're the guard dogs of the tank, and like to boss the other fish around, though we've had no injuries... All cichlyds have some aggression, but the angels...
  8. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    If that's the case, then I believe you could do that... I'm not 100% positive, as I"ve not tried it.... Make sure there is enough room for the angels, and not many other fish... as they are Cychlids, and can get very aggressive to other fish if they don't have territory. Mine tent to be that...
  9. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    I'm not sure what breed they are... I'll have to ask my LFG.
  10. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    If you only had the angels in the 40 gallon breeder, and a few smaller fish, that would work, but you can't put too much, for fear of over-stocking. Well, my tank, I have a log on one side of the tank, and another, smaller on the other side. Then in the middle I have a smaller plant...
  11. Sarah E

    another 55 gallon stocking thread, with partial stocking list!

    Hello Dr. Who ((I absolutely love that show!)) I have a 55 gallon fish tank, in which I have 2 Pearl Gouramis, and 2 Angelfish. The Gouramis are VERY peaceful, and will hang out together, as well as apart. My angelfish sometimes pick on my Gourami, chasing them, but the Gourami get away, and...
  12. Sarah E

    Stocking help! Please!

    Hello! I have a 60 gallon, 100% cycled tank, and it's FABULOUS!!!! But, I have no clue what to put in it! It's got a large, canister filter for up to a 100 Gallon tank, and lots of live plants. I have 2 angelfish, 2 gourami, 2 SAEs, 1 Bristlenose Pleco and 1 Corydoras Catfish. I also have 2...
  13. Sarah E

    2 months later, Ammonia not gone down, Seeded tank.

    Yes. I'm adding a mineral solution and/or salt whenever I put RODI water in, according to the gallons I add.
  14. Sarah E

    2 months later, Ammonia not gone down, Seeded tank.

    I'm using RODI water, because we're on well water, and can have high iron.
  15. Sarah E

    2 months later, Ammonia not gone down, Seeded tank.

    Okay... I'll have to get more water today to do water changes. I use the API Master test kit. I also bring water samples in to my LFS, and he tests it for free. Multiple times he's tested it while I"m there.
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