Recent content by Sasta24

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  1. Sasta24


    I shall do the 25% water change daily until the levels are below 0.5ppm and then probably every time it starts to rise. Thanks for your help.
  2. Sasta24


    The nitrate has only started to increase gradually over the past two weeks, it’s like a really pale blush pink so not quite at 10 yet. The tank was Not cycled before the fish went in and I think Patrick just wasn’t strong enough. I was hoping the other filter would have helped him out. Ive...
  3. Sasta24


    Tested Hi Aiken, Thank you for your reply. Funny thing is all the other parameters are ok. Just dipped the test strip in and all are reading fine.
  4. Sasta24


    Rip Patrick After two weeks of treating with melafix and also installing a u2 in my tank alongside the original filter Patrick has passed to the other side. Ammonia at 3 this morning, I’ve done a quick 30% water change and will check it again this afternoon. Feeling sad ? hope spongebob...
  5. Sasta24


    So much to get my head around. Thank you for the advice.
  6. Sasta24


    Aiken, thank you so much for all your advice and help, I did wonder why it said to remove the bio media. Will update again at the end of April ??
  7. Sasta24


    Thank you for your reply, I will definitely be getting a bigger tank for these two but not from the local multi national pet store The one I have was recommended as a good size and now I know differently.. the fish are about 2-3” long in the body so are hopefully still toddlers. I’m checking my...
  8. Sasta24


    Good morning all, Patrick still had a hole in his side and it’s now four times the size of the pic above. I’ve been treating him for a week with Melafix and yesterday did a 25% water change. I added some aquarium salt to the tank also. The filter that came with the Ciano tank just isn’t cutting...
  9. Sasta24


    I moved some of the plants and ornaments around last Sunday and the bigger one (SB) seems less aggressive, but still pesters Patrick, I’m considering another tank if it carries on.
  10. Sasta24


    Hi all, We’ve recently bout two oranda goldfish and they are in a 60 litre tank. We had the tank set up one week before introducing them and so far everything seems ok. (5 weeks later) The larger of the two (Spongebob) keeps chasing the smaller one after every feed and I’m not sure if he’s...
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