Recent content by sea95lion

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    What do you think of my ten gallon?

    Um...this is a joke, right? You don't really have that many fish in a 10 gal tank do you?!?
  2. S

    Newbie questions

    Gosh, it hadn't occured to me that I could shock the fish by putting it in water that is too clean! I will try the gradual diluting/mixing of water suggested.
  3. S

    Newbie questions

    Thanks for the replies. We've just returned from the store where we were told point blank not to put anything else in with our goldfish because "goldfish are dirty and the ammonia levels will kill anything else you put with them." They will test my water free of charge. She said they sell the...
  4. S

    Newbie questions

    I am confused by all the contradictory stuff I've read about cycling. Especially whether or not fishless cycling works. My plan is to set up the tank and treat my city water with drops to remove the chlorine then let the equipment run for a day or two before adding the goldfish with its gravel...
  5. S

    Newbie questions

    The tank hasn't been set up yet so no water testing has been done. It came with a Whisper 10 filter and we have another the same size so we could use both if neccessary. I wasn't planning to use a heater since the goldfish currently lives in an unheated bowl. That's why I am asking for...
  6. S

    Newbie questions

    Hi! I've given my daughter a 10 gallon aquarium for Christmas. She has a fantail goldfish in a one gallon container and I think it needs a larger home! I've been doing a lot of reading but still have some unanswered questions: Can we successfully mix other types of fish with the goldfish or...
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