Recent content by Shayna

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  1. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't quite like the colours of Bolivian Rams, not to mention I haven't ever seen them in the lfs here. I do like Blue Rams, but healthy rams are very hard to find (I've been looking for a male to the female blue ram in my 80 gal since I bought her over six...
  2. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Thanks Tostada. I also thought I could fit a pretty decent number of fish since it's going be heavily planted. I definately thought I'd have room for two tetra schools considering the tetra species I want both max out at 2". But I'll keep an eye on water params and stock accordingly. I know the...
  3. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Thanks for the replies :) I think I'll just wait and see what I can find in the lfs when it's time to stock the tank. If I can find a honey gourami instead of the gold, I will go with that but honeys are quite rare here and I don't like the regular dwarf gouramis. If gold is the only one I can...
  4. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Do anyone have any experiences to share with gold gouramis? I was thinking one gourami would be a better match than the cockatoo harem and especially the gold gourami is beautiful, but all sources say it's semi-aggressive (and possibly too big for a 29 gal?) and I'm worried it might be too...
  5. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    I don't really follow the 1 inch/gallon rule either. Using a bit of common sense works better IMO. I don't think a tank looks good if it's too crowded so I will definately start stocking slowly over several months. I'll start with the kerris and see if there's room for the cardinals later. If...
  6. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    I can decrease the schools if you feel it's too many. Maybe 10 cardinals and 2m+5f kerri tetras will be better. I might also go with 2 cockatoo apisto females instead of 3. I hadn't thought of the number of species much other than deciding I want to have real schools and not just a few of each...
  7. S

    29 Gallon Stocking

    My fishless cycle is closing in to an end in my 29 gallon so I've been thinking of what to stock it with. It will be quite heavily planted with black sandy substrate. So far I've thought of the following: 15 Cardinal Tetras 3m+7f Kerri Tetras (Inpaichthys kerri) 1m+3f Apistogramma cacatuoides 4...
  8. S

    Stocking a 38g...

    How about kerri tetras (Inpaichthys kerri)? Beautiful little fish, but I'm not sure how widely available they are. They're quite popular and often available in my country but I've heard surprisingly little of them abroad.
  9. S

    Odd first aquarium situation

    Not everyone lives in the US with cheap prices like that. If I wanted to buy a brand new 10 gal where I live, I'd have to pay 40+ euros (51+ US$). So naturally I only buy used tanks. Even the used tanks can be rather expensive. As for the angels, if all you can fit in is a 30 gallon if you...
  10. S

    Fish TB

    Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure if tetracycline or kanamycin is even available in my country but I'll go check it out as soon as I can. It's usually started with the fish starting to withdraw and stop eating. After a while breathing gets more rapid, sunken stomach, eyes get cloudy and...
  11. S

    Fish TB

    Not sure if I'm posting in the right section since it's more a question of morality but.. If you had fish tuberculosis in a tank of yours, what would you do? Leave it be or euthanize all the fish? Everyone I've asked and everything I've read says it's uncurable, that some symptoms can be treated...
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