Recent content by snafusnake

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  1. S

    Cycled Tank- Ammonia is Back?

    I see. I have a friend who has tanks and have been going by his instruction but he didn't say anything about dosing the ammonia again. I checked it again today after seeing your reply and it had gone up to 1 ppm, so I did a 50% change and brought it back down to .50 ppm. I will check again tomorrow
  2. S

    Cycled Tank- Ammonia is Back?

    Nope, I don't have any snails. The ammonia got to over 4 ppm before it started to drop back down. It actually got stalled for like 3 weeks where the ammonia just remained high and nothing else was showing up. That's when I put in some nitrifying bacteria. About 2 weeks after that, the nitrate...
  3. S

    Cycled Tank- Ammonia is Back?

    I have had a hell of a time with this tank. It took about 3 months to get it cycled. All sorts of weird stalling issues that nobody can seem to figure out. Finally, it started to act normally and finished cycling about two weeks after I added a 10 oz bottle of nitrifying bacteria. Two days...
  4. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Oh I was thinking it was the 30. Okay, hopefully it works itself out lol I had actually tried once before to cycle this tank and used seachem stability for some bacteria but the same thing happened then and nothing ever showed up over the course of about 8 weeks.
  5. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    As far as aeration, I'm not sure. It's a Fluval Vista tank. It has a lid, but there is the fairly sizable hole in the back for the water to flow from the filter into the tank. I don't have any type of air stone or anything though. The temp seems to go back and forth between 79-80. I use a 50...
  6. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Welp, 48 hours later, ammonia is still at 4 ppm and nitrate at about 30 ppm
  7. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Okay cool. I will see what happens over the next 48 hours. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out! :flowers:
  8. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Okay. How often on those water changes to bring it to 5-10 ppm? once a day?
  9. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Do you just water changes till the nitrate is gone? Cause from what I understand any nitrate is harmful for the fish as well, right?
  10. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    I see. So it's possible that the nitrites can convert to nitrates that fast? I tested everything 24 hours after adding the bacteria. I expecting much longer. If it is cycled, then it should start to zero out that ammonia like you said, and then the nitrates will fall as well?
  11. S

    Cycling Issues- Please help!

    Hi there, I am new to the forum. I recently began trying to do a fishless cycle for an freshwater 8.5 gallon tank for my male betta. My friend who keeps aquariums told me to put a table shrimp in the tank and let it rot to serve as a source of ammonia. That was Dec. 11th. I also added a 2 oz...
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