Recent content by Stryke

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  1. S

    Sell me on some livebearers

    Thanks everybody picked up two male flame guppys and four females yesterday and they look fantastic in my tank.
  2. S

    Sell me on some livebearers

    Annoyingly I don't think I've ever seen endler live bearers in either of my two local aquarium shops so while they'd be perfect they're out. It's a 60 litre tank so I'd figure Swordtails would want more space I'd guess. No love for guppys then?
  3. S

    Sell me on some livebearers

    I've currently got a heavily planted fine sand based aquarium which I'm looking to finish off with either some Platys, Mollys or Guppys. At the moment I've got; Two Honey Dwarf Gourami Nine Neon Tetras Five Corys Three Amano/Japonica Shrimp One Mega Amano Shrimp, the lone survivor from an...
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