Recent content by tdoyle

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  1. tdoyle

    Cichlid ID

    I think that is it. The one in the pic is very simular to the two that I have. I may even have a female already in the tank. I bought three of these fish at the same time. They all looked alike, but as they got older and BIGGER two of them now look the same and the other is much dark with no...
  2. tdoyle

    Cichlid ID

    These two guys are about 4 inches long. Those two and the Red Zebra, which is also about the same size are always fighting or challenging each other.
  3. tdoyle

    Cichlid ID

    Here they are. I hope someone can ID them Thanks
  4. tdoyle

    Cichlid ID

    Is their a web site that has pics of cichlids so I can ID what I have. I need to get some females for what I think are males. Thanks
  5. tdoyle

    Filters clogging

    I have a 75g cichlid tank with a Marineland Bio-wheel canopy filter 600W. Its been set up since 5/1/08 The filter and the lighting are great. The tank is crystal clear and everything test perfect, according to my local pet shop. I even have babies hiding in the rocks now. And I think my yellow...
  6. tdoyle

    Our New Set Up

    The one with the big throat usually stays to the side when the others are eating. Last night I did notice that it did take a nibble of a piece of flake, but very small. Yesterday my girl friend noticed that we have 2 very small babies about an 1/4" (6.3mm) in the tank. One is orange and the...
  7. tdoyle

    Our New Set Up

    Here is a Pic of my new setup ( 75 g ) with crushed coral substrait and many rocks for the fish to enjoy. It been up for almost 2 months. Just did a new arrangment for the new fish we bought, added some plants and more rocks. We had just one death out of the nine, thinking it was beat up prior...
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