Recent content by That Guy

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. That Guy

    Comprehensive List Of Plant Profiles

    This is great, replying so I can easily find it again.
  2. That Guy

    Are my new fish ok?

    Test kit is a must! I did a fish in cycle with no losses (until it mini cycled when fully stocked) but you really have to keep on top of it to keep your new pets healthy. Good luck, once you can test and post results the prople on this forum will help you adjust your partial water change (PWC)...
  3. That Guy

    Hi~I have finally arrived

    Welcome to the forum, all are welcome here. Don't worry too much about your english, aquarium keepers tend to be patient people and we will take our time to try and understand what you are asking.
  4. That Guy

    New guy in town :)

    No problem, I have crazy soft water here and wanted to keep shrimp in my community tank so I had to add crushed coral to increase the general hardness. I think that's the only thing to consider but as a fellow newcomer I'm not positive. I like the way it looks so hopefully you can keep it...
  5. That Guy

    New guy in town :)

    BTW, your profile pic just showed up. Is that coral? I have heard it can affect water chemistry in a fresh water tank.
  6. That Guy

    New guy in town :)

    Welcome to the forum! I have read many posts about starting up and cycling and it seems that danios are very hearty fish to add after your tank cycles. That way if it mini-cycles with the new ammonia source they should be able to survive. They are affordable and fun to watch fast swimmers. I'm...
  7. That Guy

    Guide to Starting a Shrimp Tank

    This thread is great, after reading your discussion I have to restrain myself from setting up more tanks. I'm between houses and don't want to have to move everybody safely in a few months. For now I'll have to live vicariously through your stories and keep this thread bookmarked for later.
  8. That Guy

    Guide to Starting a Shrimp Tank

    Thanks for this guide. I have a 20 gal planted community tank with large gravel areas and sandy beaches and got 3 cherry shrimp who hide most of the time but are my favorite critters. Thanks to guides like this and all the other great info on this forum I get to figure out how to convince the...
  9. That Guy

    New to Aquarium Advice

    Thanks for the welcomes! The tank seems to be all cycled and ready for some new stock. Now I'll be reading through the stocking and planted tank threads. Great forum you guys have here!
  10. That Guy

    what fish can you keep with a red eared slider?

    I had a RES for years in a tank that ate every living thing I put in there both plants and fish. I agree that you might want to wait until he's big enough for (and living in) a pond before getting him any company.
  11. That Guy

    Water Quality

    Just replied to your other posting, just to add on here, when cleaning filter media lightly ronse the foam in used tank water from a water change to avoid losing too many beneficial bacteria. Good luck!
  12. That Guy

    Extremely high levels

    I recently joined this forum a few weeks ago when my own 20 gal started cycling and i started losing fish. I did 50-70% water changes daily for five days using stress coat full 20 gal dosage and jump start (suposedly a BB culture) full 20 gal dosage. I added an extra hang on back (HOB) filter...
  13. That Guy

    New to Aquarium Advice

    Hello all I used to have a 30 gal about 20 years ago and thought I could rely on my aging memory to set up my son's 20 gal tall starter tank. Now we are in the midst of fish in cycling and I came across this excellent forum. The advice and guides I have found so far have been very helpful so I...
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