Recent content by Thresher9122

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  1. T

    Filter has broken

    Thank you very much for your time. I know back when I had tropical fish, I had a bottom filter which was basically a sheet of plastic with vents cut in it and holes either end which you could connect upright tubes to. These tubes, you could then attack water jets to and they sucked the water...
  2. T

    Filter has broken

    Can filter pumps be fixed? I have looking to see if I could find the air pump, found my old filter pump and so I have two filters that dont work. The fuse and impellers are fine, so I am guessing its the motor thats gone? My filter system is built into the back right corner of the tank and the...
  3. T

    Filter has broken

    No I don't unfortunately, I don't even have an air pump running any more. My tank is of strange design and doesn't have amazing clearance between the fill line and the lights so having an air pump going means that the lights where getting wet all the time and that caused algi to grow on them...
  4. T

    Filter has broken

    How soon after the last one should I do this and roughly what percentage do you recommend. I probably did a 1/4 change or just under about an hour ago. The shop doesn't openen for anotehr 13+ hours I am guessing.
  5. T

    Filter has broken

    Hi all, new here.:dance: I just noticed that my juwel bioflow 1000 has stopped working. I've taken it out and washed it out and checked the fuse but it still wont work. I am sure I replaced this filter pump about 3 years ago... The problem is I don't know when it packed up, I just noticed...
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