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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. T

    fish crazy!

    On a completely unrelated matter, would anyone know why my rwd clawed crabs aren't eating?? Are they more likely to eat during the day or night?
  2. T

    fish crazy!

    Thank you so much your information is very helpful!
  3. T

    fish crazy!

    Thank you both so much for the warm welcome :-) I will look into a larger tank! I feel like in a few months I will be my local pet stores main source of income! Which do you like better? The longer or the taller tanks?! How many mollies can I have in a 30 gallon tank?
  4. T

    fish crazy!

    Hi all! I bought an aquarium for my kids a week before easter since we rent and are not allowed to have dogs cats etc. I let them pick out all the fish they wanted and like a happy idiot(w/o even looking into the hobby or lifestyle rather) put 16 fish in a ten gallon tank the day I set it up! I...
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