Recent content by Tom_sparks

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  1. T

    Cleaning out my nursery tank

    Sounds like a good idea maybe I'll go to our local aquatics shop tomorrow and get one or two of them. Just don't want to stress the fry out too much. Thanks james.
  2. T

    Cleaning out my nursery tank

    Hi guys, just got back off holiday and one of my heavily pregnant guppies have given birth to between 20-30 fry. Just wondering what is the best way to go about cleaning the tank as there is quite a bit of algae at the bottom And I don't want to stress out the baby's or the other 3 pregnant fish.
  3. T

    Guppy fry

    Hi guys, just got back off holiday and one of my heavily pregnant guppies have given birth to between 20-30 fry. Just wondering what is the best way to go about cleaning the tank as there is quite a bit of algae at the bottom And I don't want to stress out the baby's or the other 3 pregnant fish.
  4. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    It's like a bleaching on the skin isn't it, but she had the patch in the morning and then over night she passed and then the patch cleared. It was weird!
  5. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Yes it is, luckily there's a professional aquatics just a little walk away so I've got some treatments for the other fish! But they seem perfectly normal anyway. But It's just how quick the disease came and took the poor fish.
  6. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Think I've figured out what it could be. "columnaris" took me ages but that's what all the symptoms lead to!
  7. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Was a very strange marking though, would love to know what it was!!!
  8. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Sadly guys she went to heaven overnight but her mysterious patch has disappeared now so I think it must have been something internal!!!
  9. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    But this patch appeared overnight, she's not a large female. Roughly 2", so it's pretty average. Doesn't look too old either. But her belly is absolutely huge. Looks like she's about ready to explode.
  10. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Yes everything is at zero according to the tests. Just seems so week i don't know whether it's because of the pregnancy or what not. Hopefully she'll be there still tomorrow with a couple of dozen babies though!!
  11. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Sorry, still trying to work this forum app stuff out!
  12. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Sorry flossie mean I'm doing tests every day and pwc maybe every 2-3 days depending on condition of water. She just seems like she's lopsided, sometimes vertical. I've never seen this on any of my community tank fish. And the other pregnant guppies are all doing fine!!
  13. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Are you sure? She just looks so weak just staying in one corner at the bottom of the tank sometimes lopsided. Seems like she is losing the will to go on.
  14. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    It doesnt look fuzzy, looks like it's just her scales, I have 4 heavily pregnant guppys but she is the only girl that has this. She has also gone really lazy and stays in one corner of the tank sometimes a little lop sided and vertical. Temp has been the same and water changes of 25% each day...
  15. T

    My heavily pregnant guppy

    Ok thanks melosa58 found it now.
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