Recent content by wagman

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  1. W

    One eyed cory cat question

    My daughter picked out a small cory cat (less than 1 inch) for her 10Gal tank. Right now there are some danios, small yellow severum, and another cory. When we got the fish home she noticed one eye is missing. It does not look like a recent wound (I know, I know, always closely inspect the...
  2. W

    Questions on a 12G Nano Cube

    I am interested in a 12G Nano Cube for a SW set up. I was thinking of live rock with some fish. What do you think I could keep in that kind of a system? I realize there won't be much room for error and tolerances would be tight. I have had exeperience with a 29 gal. SW tank about 10 years...
  3. W

    New bulb for 10 gal strip light. Reccomendations

    Thanks for the advice so far. I don't want to retro fit. I noticed with the on-line shops, there is a wide range of bulb types. 10,000 50/50, colormax etc. I was curious what would be a good bulb to give me bright output. I don't have plants, so I assume I do not need certain wavelengths...
  4. W

    New bulb for 10 gal strip light. Reccomendations

    I have a 10 gal with a small yellow severum, some danios, and cory cat. No plants. I use a basic hood with single florescent strip light. I would like to get things a little brighter. Would a different type of bulb provide a little more output? What would be your recommendations? There are...
  5. W

    New bulb for 10 gal strip light. Reccomendations

    I have a 10 gal with a small yellow severum, some danios, and cory cat. No plants. I use a basic hood with single florescent strip light. I would like to get things a little brighter. Would a different type of bulb provide a little more output? What would be your recommendations? There are...
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