Recent content by wipeout98a

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. W

    New Snails

    I was just told that both clown loaches and puffers are too aggressive for your average tropical tank. Do you all agree? I'm also not sure where to find a yo yo loach.
  2. W

    New Snails

    They are pretty long and pointed. I just read somewhere that maybe I should get some clown loaches? Are those aggressive to other fish?
  3. W

    New Snails

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I just recently noticed, after being out of town for a week, about a dozen little snails on the bottom of my tank on the rocks. They are the sort with a longer, pointed shell, and I did not put them in there. 2 weeks ago I put a vacation...
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