Recent content by XaViOrSu

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  1. X

    Chiclid/barb combo tank, barbs sick

    oh and PH is 7.6 and im using a API freshwater mater test it. has individual tubes and drops for testing with a colour chart
  2. X

    Chiclid/barb combo tank, barbs sick

    bad news and good news. sorry i havn't replied earlier my ipod doesnt like replying! its a 240 litre or 61.6 gallon tank. bad news is i lost my smallest barbs. one had no signs of my it passed but the other had no eyes and looked like its stomach came out. Quite stressful to see! i bought a test...
  3. X

    Chiclid/barb combo tank, barbs sick

    Hello, I am fairly new to fish so please bare with me. From what I know my tank is fairly well set up. I have bought a heater and filter to suit my tank which is 4(long)x2(height). I have a variety of plastic plants and plenty of ornaments for my fish to hide in. I have 1 full grown eartheater...
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