Recent content by xxsquallxx

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  2. Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters

    Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters

  3. Inverts


  4. Goldfish and Koi

    Goldfish and Koi

  5. flounder and neon

    flounder and neon

  6. one of my 7.

    one of my 7.

  7. neon and goldfish

    neon and goldfish

  8. X

    freshwater flounder

    hmm. well ill look into that. i have them also in with neons and the ghost shrimp. is that going to affect them negitivly? yeah, ill pot some pics. maybe a video clip?
  9. X

    Stockig my 10g tank....

    watchman and fires go together fine. if they are big. 2-3 at a time is safe. make sure you test the water often for a while to determine if you need to make more frequent water changes due to their size. then if everything's fine, throw some pistols in there too. have you ever heard of...
  10. X

    freshwater flounder

    ive had them for a few months now. theyve grown for sure since i got them. of course though i feed them well. i have them in with ghost shrimp. 7 of those as well. one of the flounders is about an inch and a half or so, the other 2 are about an inch. im actually using aquarium rock salt...
  11. X

    freshwater flounder

    i have 3 fw flounders. i add a hefty teaspoon of salt per gallon and they are doing just fine.
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