
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My name is Zaddie and I have been fascinated with marine life and fish tanks since I was a child.

My fish, candle making, scrapbooking and school
Department Manager
My Tanks
55 gal. with; (1) Albino Cory Cat, (1) Spotted Cory Cat, (6) Tetras (red and black and white and black), (4) Neon Tetras, (2) Gouramis, (2) Gold Fish, (1) Clown Loach, and (2) Blind Cave Fish

55 gal. with; (1) Elephant Nose, and (1) Red Tailed Shark

29 gal. with: (1) Oscar

All of my aquariums are running Penguin 350 Filters. My 55's each have two and the 29 just has one. Nothing special with my setups...yet.
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