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  1. Z

    my fish

    Hence why I said "slightly" brackish, and I did not use aquarium salt, I used marine.. about 1 cup and 2 tsp of marine salt to every 3 gallons of water..
  2. Z

    my fish

    Well.. I can tell you from experience that going slightly brackish will not hurt them.. I had to do it to get rid of ich and it didn't even effect my cichlids one bit.. some types of cichlids will thrive in brackish
  3. Z

    jewel cichlid question

    Hello all, this will be my first post. I am struggling to find good tank mates with my 2 Jewel cichlids.. they eat anything and everything! I also have 4 brazilian puffers housed.. they don't seem to mess with eachother.. but I have tried a blue lobster aka crayfish.. the cichlids kept stealing...
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