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  1. D

    two gobies?

    Thanks all. Maybe I'll give it a try.:)
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    two gobies?

    Is it possible to keep a sleeper goby like the diamond goby with a shrimp goby (yellow watchman) in the same tank? (75 gallons)
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    anemone/pulsing xenia

    Thanks, Mike. I did put a rock in between them, and the anemone has just come to a halt. So, so far so good. I'll keep an eye on him, for sure!
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    anemone/pulsing xenia

    I recently upgraded my lights, and one of my bubble-tip anemones is wandering, looking for his favorite lighting I suppose. He is currently approaching my favorite pulsing xenia. Will he damage or kill it if they come in contact? Should I try to divert him elsewhere? Or is this even possible?
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    The Sea Urchin

    Such a nice story! Good luck getting your salt-water tank. PS Keep writing!!
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    sick chromis

    Funny, Mike, I was thinking the same thing! He's Always been around with a definite second opinion!
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    sick chromis

    Thanks so much Mike! Does anyone else have a thought about using the pimafix in the hospital tank @ 1.009? They've been in the hypo for 3 weeks now. I don't want the fungus to kill them before I can treat! :(
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    sick chromis

    Thanks, as I said above, all my fishes are already in QT at the moment, in hypo treatment at SG 1.009. Will this have any effect on the usefulness of the pimafix? Will someplace like petco have pimafix?
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    sick chromis

    I would say nothing like cauliflower. More like cotton, but not anything big. Cottony, but it also looks like maybe the cottony is leaving, leaving eroding flesh. Make sense? Oh no, another chromis has a bit near his eye! :(
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    sick chromis

    I have one blue reef chromis which has developed a white fungus-looking patch on one side near his face. His tail fin is also a little shredded. He is currently in a 20 gallon hospital tank which is being treated for ich at sg 1.009. Also in the tank are 3 other healthy chromis, a 3 inch hippo...
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    Fish food

    I use the seaweed sheets from the local grocery store: sushi seaweed, normally sold in the seafood dept. I soak a folded up piece in Garlic Guard every other day and feed it on a clip. My tang goes wild, the others (particularly clowns) will peck at it. I also feed frozen mysis and "marine...
  12. D

    Oh, no, Ich again!

    One link posted here by Melosu says to replace 1/5 (20%) of the volume with fresh water every 12 hours until the SG reaches 1.009, so that's what I'm doing. I will also watch the pH. Thanks! I have my fingers crossed!
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    Oh, no, Ich again!

    the die is cast, more advice needed I just spent most of this afternoon catching and transferring my tang and two clowns into my QT. I have also lowered the SG from 1.022 to 1.020. It should go down to 1.009, am I correct? And how long does it stay there? PS to Tank: It's definitely not sand...
  14. D

    Oh, no, Ich again!

    I just took my new hippo tang out of quarantine 3 weeks ago, where he did very well for 4 weeks after I purchased him. I had left the main tank fishless for 7 weeks after a bout of ich a couple of months ago. This morning, I see the dreaded white specks, and the tang is rubbing all over the sand...
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    SW Plants?

    Which, if any, of the plants in that link would not be decimated by tangs?
  16. D

    Tang following clowns into anemone

    I just put my new hippo tang into my main tank last night after 3 weeks in QT. He immediately started swimming with my pair of clowns, which was quite entertaining! After the lights went out they separated, but today he's right back with them, and he's coming very close to my LTA as the clowns...
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    Cycle taking forever

    Believe me, I know how messy the goldfish are! I think two should be fine in a 20. And I've already added more ammonia since everything went to zero. I do not plan to let this cycled tank get away from me!
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    Cycle taking forever

    DONE!!!! Ammonia is 0.0, Nitrite is 0.0, Nitrate is 10 ppm after a 40 % water change, and I'll do another change or two to get the nitrate down closer to zero to start out. And now, onward to fishes! This is only a 20 gallon tank, and I'm thinking a couple of fancy goldfish would be nice. I...
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    Cycle taking forever

    Today's readings (Trying VERY hard to be patient) Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite 1.0 Nitrates way off the chart high Should I start to change some water before the nitrites come down to 0? I do believe I understand the "cycle", I just wish it were faster here! I don't want to add any fish before NH3 and...
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    Cycle taking forever

    For the last couple of days the ammonia would drop from 4.0 to 0.0 overnight, and the nitrite stayed at 2.0. So yesterday I boosted the ammonia up even more. This morning it's down to 0.25, and the nitrite has finally gone down to 1.0. Maybe those last few days of dropping all the way to 0.0, it...
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    Cycle taking forever

    Progress! My aquarium is now going from over 4.0 ppm ammonia down to zero overnight, and the nitrites are finally dropping a bit (looks like under 2 ppm now). I'm about to boost it up again, can't wait to check it tomorrow!
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    my 87 gallon

    I love your tank! You have your rocks set just how I love them....lots of caves plus open spaces.
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    Overly shy tang

    Thanks, guys, I was hoping for opinions like yours. Jimbo...the QT is only a ten gallon, and in the lfs he was swimming in a 6-foot long tank with at least 20 other hippos and others. Quite the change, I guess maybe this has confused him a bit, poor thing. Another note, do you all think I...
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    Overly shy tang

    I have a small hippo tang who's been in my QT for a week now. The only time he ventures out from behind the one rock in there is to eat, and he is eating very well (frozen mysis, flake, and nori). But he grabs a few bites really quickly and then zooms back behind the rock :(. I thought that by...
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