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    Sinibotia's & MissGurnus's various builds!

    Culling is the worst part of fish keeping. Necessary evil though Brenna
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    Brenna ' s fish room basement build

    Nice pics. Digital camera or phone camera? Brenna
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    Brenna ' s fish room basement build

    Schwartzi or Schultzi? They have a somewhat similar body as aeneus but mine are not quite as large. My friend has some that are quite large and he calls them black aeneus. Neither group that I have, did the seller know what to call them.
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    Brenna ' s fish room basement build

    I haven't had mine long enough to know either. I'll do some asking. Some people claim their are an aeneus type Brenna
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    Brenna ' s fish room basement build

    Some I got as juvies- 6 actually and 6 I was given as adults. So no, not really. Brenna
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    Poppa's Tanks n Stuff

    I just now caught it. Lol good eye. Brenna
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    Freshwater gobies

    I don't have any but would like to keep some. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Guppy Female at LFS

    Chances are yes. She probably wasn't always separate from the males. If you see a black area in the abdomen just before her vent, then that's the fry forming. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    pale tiger barbs

    What's the temperature? Any ammonia? Can you post pics of the afflicted fish? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Is my fish sick?

    Can you take pics and post them? Sounds like the tank isn't cycled yet either so watch the ammonia closely. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Slight Hump in the Middle of New Stand

    Poor customer service. I live with a master carpenter, I can't imagine how they sell anything or even how the person who built your stand even has a job anymore. And they messed up drilling the tank. How do you not measure twice and cut once? Even I know that. Man, Harry you really should go to...
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    TheresaM's tank thread

    Can you pm the info. I'm wondering if the seller has even bigger or longer pieces for some height Brenna
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    My fur kids

    Do you breed them and show? I know some owners are not the handlers etc. Brenna
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    My planted tanks

    My fish were from a breeder with hard water and I have hard water. I think you would be fine. I add IAL and they're happy. They like the tannins. Brenna
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    My planted tanks

    Straight out of the tap I'm 8.6. Then it goes down to 7.6 or so with a Kh of 9. Mine have produced offspring, I agree with TM, depends on your source and the water they were bred in. Brenna
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    Prime and Purigen

    I agree with this advice. Safe to use in conjunction. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Is there such a thing as a quiet air pump?

    Fluval Q series Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    I'm in the Cobalt Neotherm club as well. Very nice heaters and another member contacted Cobalt and they can be attached vertically or horizontally. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    BANGAR's 46g bowfront build

    I never name fish anymore. I have too many and it hurts more when they die. But yeah that's a great camera and you got some great shots! Brenna
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    Cool aquarium

    Thanks for sharing and I agree, it's a good wake up call for people who don't realize how large some of these fish get Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    BANGAR's 46g bowfront build

    Nice big tail in that one! Brenna
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    Brenna ' s fish room basement build

    Here are some pics of my fish from last night. I forgot to post them earlier. The black corys ended up digging up root tabs. I reburried them but geez. The L333 have also dug some caves but now seem settled in the caves I've provided. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    My planted tanks

    Gardneri come in a few color varieties, are easy to spawn and yes they have a ton of personality! And they like plants! Brenna
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    My planted tanks

    I like the Aphosymion family. I have bivittatum fry and gardneri fry which is Fundolopanchax I think. I have some others too. Blue gularis and blue panchax, I just got those two so no fry yet. I also have 2 lone males. Sometimes you can just buy a male. Brenna
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    My planted tanks

    I'm in a killifish club in chicago. I have contacts to get things and can ship fish when the time comes. Brenna
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