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  1. Scubasteve77

    My 14 gallon biocube

    Yea I knew that going in, the lfs tried to get me to buy more..... this is a overstocked tank, but I knew it was just a temp home till we get the big tank set up. Only waiting on making space for it. Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  2. Scubasteve77

    My 14 gallon biocube

    Seems to doing fine, I'm getting a new tank as soon as I sell all my freshwater tanks. Looking at the marineland 265 so I'll be ok for a couple months. Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  3. Scubasteve77

    My 14 gallon biocube

    This is my first adventure into salt water, and I'm hooked! I have my other 3 tanks broke down and for sale locally. 150gal, 75gal and a 42bowfront. I want to sell all that and get a 220/265 reef ready marineland tank. Anyways, I picked up a biocube off of facebook for $40 came with light/...
  4. Scubasteve77

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    I added water to 46gallon to start the cycle process. Also sat on the patio and made a few more plants and mounted 3 more peices of driftwood. Forgot to take pictures of the driftwood.
  5. Scubasteve77

    New tank 55bow

    Oh and I added water and began the cycle period. So now the waiting game ? Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  6. Scubasteve77

    New tank 55bow

    Lol delapool, yea I actually have a pile of homemade fake plants and another 2 small and 1 pretty large piece of driftwood. And I have a lot of limestone and slate pieces like 5 milk crates full. The substrate was a bargain. It's meramac landscaping stone. Got it from the landscaping store...
  7. Scubasteve77

    Best fish store in St. Louis area?

    I see this is a old thread, but I'm new to the forum and just discovered the local threads. I dislike going to the big box stores Percy and petsmart. We have to support the small local guys or they won't be around anymore. I do frequent tropical world often I enjoy the store for the most part...
  8. Scubasteve77

    New to forum, new tank too

    Not sure if this question will apply to you or not but does your landlord know about the tank / tank size? Some landlords will not allow large fish tanks some will not allow them at all. Many years ago I was leasing a really nice townhouse duplex. When we where moving in the landlord and his...
  9. Scubasteve77

    New tank 55bow

    I was told the tank was a 55 I did some research to find it's actually a 46... No biggie still a nice tank. I was playing with some decor items to see if I found something I liked. What do you guys think of this?
  10. Scubasteve77

    New tank 55bow

    I'm actually totally stuck I have to think about it for awhile. A neighbor is telling me to take the plunge and go salt water. I would like to but don't think I want to in this tank. I want a drills tank to do a sumo if I do salt. I do know where a drilled 75 is sitting around though.... Lady...
  11. Scubasteve77


    Absolutely love reef tanks always wanted one but I'm intimidated at the idea. I've had good luck at finding nice deals on tanks and crossing my fingers that one of them bio cube tanks pop up maybe I'll give salt s chance in one of them! Anyways the colors are amazing!
  12. Scubasteve77

    New tank 55bow

    Found a 55 gallon now front this weekend free to good home! Got it home and set it up in garage next to my 150 gallon project. Tested it out to make sure no leaks and I was good. Came with stand, aqueon 300w heater emperor 400 hob filter Devore light and glass lid. So I cleaned it up and...
  13. Scubasteve77

    Tile background

    Anyone ever heard of this before? The idea would be to attach the 12"x12" stone pattern tiles to the back glass with ge1 clear silicon. Sealing the tiles to the glass. Thoughts and opinions on this? I have enough tile that this project would only cost me time and a tube or 2 of silicon.
  14. Scubasteve77

    Resealing 150 gallon

    What size frame do you need?
  15. Scubasteve77

    Resealing 150 gallon

    Well the replacement frame I found is from over the edge, they have the size in the "custom frame" section. However the replacement frames from them are in 2 halfs. So in the middle of the frame will be a seam. I'm not sure if j like that or not. I have a lfs looking through suppliers of...
  16. Scubasteve77

    Resealing 150 gallon

    I liked the plastic spoon idea. I am going to mask it off as well to keep my lines really straight. I have a 10 gallon laying around that I'm gonna reseal as a practice run lol. Trying to get the top frame off without breaking it is a pain. I got the bottom seals removed today and working...
  17. Scubasteve77

    Resealing 150 gallon

    So I got this tank recently off letgo. I can't complain about it as I assumed something was wrong. For $40 I hauled away the 6' 150 gallon tank and 4 boxes of stuff for it. 2 emperor 400 hob filters, 2 buckets of gravel, box of fake plants and decor, air pump and under gravel filter. Also...
  18. Scubasteve77

    New to the forum

    Found cracks in the bottom frame tonight while cleaning and scraping silicon out of it. So I'm gonna order a new frame for it top and bottom. This is a older tank with one cross brace in it I see the new models have two braces on them. Guess the project is on hold until I get these parts in.
  19. Scubasteve77

    New to the forum

    Hi everyone my name is Steve and I'm starting a new tank set up. Picked up a 150 gallon tank for trade of a old mini fridge we didn't use. It's a big tank should be fun however the bad news is I had it in the garage cleaning it up and checking for leaks and sure enough it has a leak in one of...
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