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  1. L

    strange lump on goby

    I recently invested in a pair of jade sleeper gobies that I've become very fond of... but I noticed the day after I put them in the tank that one of them has a strange lump on it's side, under it's scales. Is this something I should worry about? It dosn't seem to be getting bigger, and the...
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    My 30G Hex FW

    finally got a pic of my eel
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    yeah I'm definately against the overpopulation thing. I've already made arrangements to sell off my larger fish once they become full grown, because I want them to have happy lives. I feel so sorry for the poor oscars.
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    Possible sick knife fish

    Okay... so he's acting normal again.. I suppose it was just a fluke. I'm going to keep an eye on him though.
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    Possible sick knife fish

    I haven't really noticed any change in his appetite... He's eager to eat, but he doesn't gorge like some of my others do.
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    Possible sick knife fish

    My knife fish is acting rather strangely... I don't if it's really a problem, so hopefully someone out there will be able to clearify it. He/she is swimming around a lot more than usual, and every couple of seconds he either rams into something (almost aggresively), or he lays down on his side...
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    My 30G Hex FW

    I'm a big fan of the pictus actually.. it's rather common in the stores around here. I actually almost got one once, but decided one large silver and black cat was enough for one tank. ;)
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    My 30G Hex FW

    hooray..... you go here: they have a full list of all the different species with all of the habitat/water conditions and what not. The "h-line" cat is listed as Pimelodus blochii Hope that helps... :)
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    My 30G Hex FW

    I've attempted many times to try and figure out his/her species name, but I've failed misserably. It seems that the pet store I purchased him at is the only one that calls them "h-line" cats, and I haven't ever seen them anywhere else. My dad, who lives in Tx, knew what fish I was talking...
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    My 30G Hex FW

    Grant: the cat was only about 7 bucks, and he's not difficult to care for at all. He is a little bit aggresive towards the other fish, but he's never harmed any of them - seems to be mostly a dominance thing.
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    My 30G Hex FW

    I have thought about a background, but it being a hex tank I don't know how I feel about covering any of the sides.... I enjoy that it's visable from all around, ya know?
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    My 30G Hex FW

    these are the last three I promise. :)
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    My 30G Hex FW

    more pics
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    My 30G Hex FW

    This is my baby... hoping to get another set up sometime in spring, but for now this is the object of my affection. :wink: contents: 1 H-Line Catfish 1 Bumble Bee Catfish 1 Peacock Eel 1 Gold Guarami 1 Opaline Guarami 1 African Black Kife Fish 1 Needle Nose Gar 3 Black-Skirt Tetras and...
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    Fish nets....

    I learned working a in a pet store that you should use the green nets with the larger holes for catfish/coreys or anthing else with spiney fins. I had to use one of the very fine nets for my move over the weekend as well, and I wasn't very happy about it. Anything with a siney fin will tend to...
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    My gar did the strangest thing...

    I gave him his feeder guppies today, and as I was watching him pick them off... he took off after one, and slammed his nose right into the glass pretty hard. He seemed to be a little discouraged after that... lol I shouldn't laugh, because that had to have hurt.. but it really was funny. He...
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    possible sick tetras

    lord, please don't let them be pregnant. :? anyone out in the area want some black-skirt tetras? lol the possibility of them being over-eaters I feel is pretty high. They're the first two to the food when it hits the water, and you can tell they start eating faster when the other fist...
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    Successful move

    lets try this again...
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    possible sick tetras

    Well.. their behavior is the main reason why I'm not sure that they're sick. They are some of the happiest fish in the tank, and certainly the hungriest. Is it possible that they're just fat? lol
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    possible sick tetras

    Two of my three black skirt tetras have huge bellies, while the third is still very slim. is this something I should worry about, or is it normal for them?
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    uploading pics???

    anyone wanna offer some tech help on getting my pics attached to a post? this is what is says when I try: Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/gar.JPG.
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    Successful move

    The move went very smoothly this weekend with the exception of one speed bump - my heater got smashed on the car ride over. I warmed up the last 5 gallons of water by soaking them in a hot bath. After adding that the tank held a steady 72 degrees until I got a new heater this morning. The...
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    transporting aquariums

    woop woop Alright guys.. we're planning on the move for Saturday afternoon... I'll be taking pictures of the tank once I get it to it's new home. It's 30Gal hexagonal with a whisper power filter. I have a pretty good mix of fish, my favorites being my h-line cat, my green needlenose gar, and...
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    transporting aquariums

    :D Thanks a lot for the tips guys. :) I really appriciate it. I absolutly adore my fish, and I would be insane if weren't able to move them. Thanks again.. :)
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    transporting aquariums

    I'm pretty sure that I saw a thread on this once before, but I could't remember where it was, so I'm gonna ask again. I'm planning on moving my aquarium from it's current home, to a new one about 30-40 minutes away...... how might I go about doing this?
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