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  1. Y

    Trying to start a guppy breading tank

    Yhea sorry I only have 3 females and a male my other male is in the show tank I removed him due to him chasing too much so yhea keep it 1:2 ratio or 1:3 in my case it's working pretty well got about 30+ fry swimming around anywhere from millimeters to half an inch in size haha
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    Trying to start a guppy breading tank

    I currently have a 20 long breeding Red and Orange mosaic guppies. I have white sand bottom with a few live plants. They seem to love it I have 2 pairs of breeders in there and they have produced massive amounts of fry which eventually when big enough I trade them in for store credit at my LFS...
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    Hello All

    Haha same happened to me lol I hope you at least treated the water haha
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    Help Needed

    Water parameters are good just checked after finding the dead ones and I have a go pro camera I might just mount it and do some filming it seems to happen overnight cause I feed them everyday in the morning and at night and last night they were all good
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    Help Needed

    So I have had a 40 gallon tank for 3 months stocked with the exact same fish. In the past 2 days I have found 1 tiger barb 1 Chinese algae eater and a blood gourami dead and half eaten. I currently have guppies, danios, barbs gouramis and a bala shark in there who or what could be the killer...
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    Problems With Plants

    Alright I will give that a try thanks a lot for your help
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    Got 4 females 3 have given birth and 1 still has to give birth got them all on a breeding tank and got about 25 little guys.
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    Problems With Plants

    Oh ok yhea I thought about that but I was sure how good the Wisteria grows after being cut
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    Looks like my guppy babies are coming along very good!
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    Problems With Plants

    I use this stuff regularly
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    Problems With Plants

    Hello, I have a question about my planted aquarium. I currently have 3 kinds of plants in there. Anubia, Mermaid and Wisteria. The Anubia and Mermaid plants seem very healthy and have grown quite a bit however the Wisteria is turning a yellowish color especially at the top. It is the tallest...
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    Need help !!

    Platys, Guppies, sword tails and danios are like perfect for Mollys. I believe Plecos for bottom feeders get along with just about any fish.
  13. Y

    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

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    Newbie that needs help

    A picture of mine earlier
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    Newbie that needs help

    Your Ammonia levels seem to be very high. I'm having problems with my tank being at .25 ppm and according to others here that is lethal to fish yours looks to be at 4.0ppm I don't think anything could live in there if .25 is lethal
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    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    Thank you very much I just did a 50% water change, vacuumed all the gravel and left the tank spotless now let's see if I can maybe make those ammonia levels go down last test I did was between zero ppm and 0.25 ppm my best guess is probably around 0.15 but my kit is not 100% accurate
  17. Y

    Illinois here

    Welcome! I'm new here too! I have some aquarium experience but not as much as some of the people in here. I'm sure we can all help ya! I live in nebraska so cornfields for me too!
  18. Y

    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    Yhea I totally understand that but if they been in the same tank for more than 2 months and have not even nipped at each other or any other fish are they randomly gonna start doing it in the future or might they just get along forever? Or as they get older do they become more aggressive?
  19. Y

    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    Thank you very much for the advice. The fish have been all in there since day one and as far as I can tell they have been getting along very well. No deaths or injuries to any of them. The zebras are probably about an inch long and yes I think they are zebra danios. The bala shark is the longest...
  20. Y

    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    Alright sounds good thank you very much for the help I am going to go ahead and get ready to do the monthly water change and might install my other 40 gallon filter if I can find all the parts haha thank you guys very much
  21. Y

    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    I have an Aqueon Quiet Flow Pro 50 gallons filters amazing water has always been crystal clear and I have had 0 fish die or become sick in the past 2 months I just recently began testing the water for ammonia and nitrates. Other than that everything else checks ok
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    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    . I currently have in there 4 Rosy Barbs, 3 Tiger Barb, 3 Zebra tetras, 2 giant danios, 4 rasboras, 4 dwarf blood Gouramis, 2 algae eaters, 4 guppies, a bala shark and a pink kissing gourami. The tank is 40 gallons and they all seem to get along. It has been set up like this for 2 months and...
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    Ammonia levels at 0.25 ppm

    Hello I was wondering if a .25 ammonia level is ok in a 40 gallon tank? The next monthly water change is coming up and filter change also. Will it drop back down to 0 after I do the monthly maintnance?
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