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  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. AA Photo Contest

    AA Photo Contest

  3. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  4. Cichlids


  5. Multiple Species

    Multiple Species

    If your unsure, can't find a catagory, or there is more than one species in the pic...put it here.
  6. JDogg

    "Black Slime"

    i change the carbon every weekend unforunatly i am not the only one who feeds the fish, who ever open the store in the morning feeds, if that is not me i have no control, and i know some people over feed, as sometimes there is food floating when i come in as much as 8 hours later! bulbs were put...
  7. JDogg

    "Black Slime"

    ok i work at a petco...i know, i know :( we have been open since october, and i clean the SW tanks every week, but i am only alowed to change 20% of the water. each coloum of tanks is connected to a sump w/ small skimmer and UV, along with mechanical and carbon filtration. we are developing a...
  8. JDogg


    don't need wood, 10-15 snails should be enough, it is a small tank and i know they breed good. i used to have alot, but they did not survive the move.
  9. JDogg


    i have an amazon sword and a couple small red tiger lotus plants i am asking $5 in shipping, prefer pay pal... or trade if you have something i am looking for... FW shimp Malaysian trumpet snails medium.low light plants :D thanks!
  10. JDogg

    Petco live rock

    have any of you purchased and/or used live rock from petco? what are your thoughts on it? is it quality, or a wast of $$?
  11. JDogg

    JDogg's 20 Long SW tank

    Ok all... well do to loss of job, and moveing to return to college for a new career, my last attempt at SW a 10 gallon Nano was niped in the bud before fullying getting realized. i sold of the LR, fish, inverts and all instead of moveing it... so now i will try again, a a slightly large...
  12. JDogg

    Not Another Crab ID thread

    .... oscar food?
  13. JDogg

    Not Another Crab ID thread

    no one has any idea?
  14. JDogg

    Not Another Crab ID thread

    i rescued this Hitchhicker crab, from someone who brought it into petco. what did i get? good or bad? nothing else in the tank right now, i am realy only a week into cycling it.
  15. JDogg

    New Step into SW

    well i still need to do alot of research, but i think i will fill the tank today, and start the fish-less cycle going
  16. JDogg

    puffer with ich

    copper would probaly not be good, there are inverts in the same bank of tanks (hermit crabs, pepermint shrimp and a feather duster) not to woried about effecting his hunger since he is not eating anyways... petco will not let me quarenteen, but so far puffer is only on to show signes.
  17. JDogg

    puffer with ich

    as your can see from my sig i work at Petco :censor: now i consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the FW world, and i have treated ich effectivly in FW many times (chemicaly free) i am still a learner in the SW world... i have kept a 10 gallon nano, and am now starting on a 20L with the 10...
  18. JDogg

    New aquarium owner & new to site

    hello and welcome!
  19. JDogg

    New Step into SW

    ok back to this plan thanks for the responces so far what are the thoughts about that skimmer? is it a good choice? does anyone have a suggestion on a pump?
  20. JDogg

    drawf puffer

    frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms and baby snails is what i used to feed mine. they are need very clean water as well, so i hope the tank is fully cycles
  21. JDogg

    spliting anubis

    steak knife seamed to work well :)
  22. JDogg

    New Step into SW

    ok this will not be my first attempt at SW, i had a sucsessful 10 gallon nano, until i moved from Minnesota to south dakota here in september. i sold it all off, instead of trying to move it. the 75 with the oscar was hard enough:confused:! well it is time to start up a SW again... my current...
  23. JDogg

    Angel in a 20 gallon

    i am partial to swords myself... i alway keep a few with my angels... for nutitional reasons ;)
  24. JDogg


    #1=Anarchis #2= Micro Sword or Dwarf Sag #3= Java Moss all should do ok at lower light levels, say ~1 wpg for #2 and not need much for ferts to Blueros... yea petco/petsmart sells alot of plants that are not aquatic, i try to warm people, but it is atleast in part the responsibility of the...
  25. JDogg

    10g Stocking Advice

    guppies... will teach the kids about "the birds and the bees" ;) or some dwarf cichlids like German Rams and a small school of neons
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