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  1. IMAG0162


  2. IMAG0164


  3. browning1359

    4x18w good or bad for a 29 gal

    Oh man that sounds like a lot of work since i have no idea about using ferts or co2
  4. browning1359

    4x18w good or bad for a 29 gal

    Trying to have plants like i want my whole floor covered for shrimp and some plants to grow on my house in there and some other plants
  5. browning1359

    4x18w good or bad for a 29 gal

    Watcha ill look into the other fixture when i get back on monday from west point
  6. browning1359

    4x18w good or bad for a 29 gal

    Well i was thinking on getting since ideas only 50 bucks
  7. browning1359

    4x18w good or bad for a 29 gal

    Is the oddessy 20" 4x18w t5 ho light fixture good for a 29 gallon
  8. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    Thanks will look into buyingthem when I get back from west point
  9. browning1359

    April Off-Topic Photo of the Month Contest Submissions

    My beautiful daughter I hope she wins
  10. IMAG0148


  11. IMAG0095


  12. IMAG0140


  13. my beautiful daughter taylor

    my beautiful daughter taylor

  14. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    what test kits give all numbers instead of strips wich have color tabs
  15. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    i would like my tank to be as nice as some of your tanks on here and I know bigger is better but money is tight as for baby formula kills my pocket every week
  16. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    I do have those root tabs but they are almost on the bottom of the tank I have like 40 pounds of the gravel but I want to do some kind of dirt or sand to make the plants really POP and I have the stock aqueon filter that came with the tank but I plan on giving all my fish to my lfs next week and...
  17. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    So I should upgrade my stock 29 filter with a bigger one how anything one for a 125 gal tank
  18. browning1359

    sick and tired of a cloudy tank!

    Please help me out my 4 month oldtank had been cloudy for like 3 months I do pwc every week and still cloudy even after vacuuming still cloudy and when I try and vacuum it seems o don't get it all is that ok or no?
  19. browning1359


    But the two of them are diff
  20. browning1359


    What are the names of these two plecos
  21. IMAG0133


  22. IMAG0149


  23. IMAG0153


  24. my fish

    my fish

  25. browning1359

    freshwater tank really! starting tomaro

    Idk about co2 ill have to look into both co2 and fertalizer
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