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  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. KentCurtis

    JBJ 14g cube?

    Hey everybody, been a while since I have been around. Mainly focusing on my high tech planted setup but the g/f is wanting some really "pretty" fish (aka pink or something haha). We saw some things we liked at a LFS and we are thinking of setting up a SW reef in a 14g jbj nanocube. My...
  3. KentCurtis

    Need a new filter (canister)

    Hey everyone. I have an old aquaclear 20 on my 20 gallon planted tank. I have been battling hair algae and fuzzy type algae on my plants for about a month now. I have a 2x24 watt t5ho fixture, pressurized co2, and dose EI. I am pretty positive I have those factors taken care of, but the flow...
  4. KentCurtis

    WTB Ludwigia Pantanal

    Hey everyone. I can't seem to find L. Pantanal for sale anywhere online. Point me to it if you happen to find some. Thank you!
  5. KentCurtis

    Oceanic BioCube?

    Hey everyone. My girlfriend and I are considering buying a 14g biocube by Oceanic. Its information can be found here oceanic Bio Cube 14 Gallon at Big Al's Online We haven't decided on the fish to put in it yet, but my main concern was the amount of lighting supplied. The 14g biocube...
  6. KentCurtis

    Good Filter for Planted?

    I have dwarf hairgrass, HC, rotala rotundifolia, rotala wallichi, an ludwiga "cuba at the moment.
  7. KentCurtis

    Good Filter for Planted?

    I have an aquaclear 20 HOB on my 20 gallon planted right now. Was just wondering what a good upgrade for me woul be to get a solid flow good enough for the plants. Also running pressurized co2 and want to get it spread around some more. Im hoping to spend no more than 50-60$. Thanks!
  8. KentCurtis

    WTB Ludwigia "Cuba"

    Cool, sounds good. I can credit you through paypal i you'd like, 6 bucks shipping or more for your time - its no matter to me.
  9. KentCurtis

    WTB Ludwigia "Cuba"

    I loked it up and it does look very very similar! Would you mind posting up a pic of yours? That would be great - does it turn red? I kinda like the all green but red wouldn't make me mad hehe
  10. KentCurtis

    Question on "High Output"?

    I have been reading a lot over at Tom Barr's site and it seems everyone there is keen on T5 lamps over anything else at the moment. Out of curiosity, would this fixture provide more...
  11. KentCurtis

    WTB Ludwigia "Cuba"

    Hey, looking to buy some Ludwigia "Cuba" but dont wan't to pay outrageous shipping. All the places I find that sell it have some pretty bad shipping costs.
  12. KentCurtis

    Sticks & Stones - Journal

    Yours still staying fairly red Larry? Im a few days from getting my co2 cylinder and finalizing my dosing regimen...Im hoping getting these things squared away makes mine thrive.
  13. KentCurtis

    Sticks & Stones - Journal

    Do you have any pictures of yours Ben? I have been procrastinating on getting a picture of mine up.
  14. KentCurtis

    Making Solutions...

    Im thinking I will just use 16 cups of water ( 1 gallon ) and pour it into an empty milk jug. Would mixing the KH2PO4 and KNO3 together in this solution be ok? and I would mix the Traces in a different jug to dose on different days.
  15. KentCurtis

    Making Solutions...

    Yea I saw some containers that would work, but I just need to figure out how much of each fertilizer in with how much water and how much of it to use each day i dose haha. Im looking at making a 2+ weeks supply, just to make the 1/32 tsp measurement plausible with my 1/2 tsp measuring spoon
  16. KentCurtis

    Making Solutions...

    I am absolutely horrible with numbers. Anyone have an idea on what kind of container I should mix a solution into, as well as possibly turning these tiny amounts into something measurable? Im guessing by making a 2 weeks supply or something I could accomplish this, but once again, not strong...
  17. KentCurtis

    Making Solutions...

    I would like to dose dry, but I don't have anything really small enough. I'd like to convert those measures to grams or something
  18. KentCurtis

    Making Solutions...

    Hey everyone. Just got my dry ferts in the mail today and I am trying to make solutions following the EI method found here EI light: for those less techy folks - Aquarium Plants - Barr Report . Tell me if my mixtures and thinking are correct. Given This: 20-40 Gallon Aquariums +/- ¼ tsp...
  19. KentCurtis

    Sticks & Stones - Journal

    Thanks Larry, let me know how if it greens up (hopefully not!) after being in the tank for a little while. Ill post up a picture of mine a little bit later after I grab some dinner. Also, on keeping nitrates low....that sounds like an interesting idea and would be cool if it worked.
  20. KentCurtis

    Sticks & Stones - Journal

    Your tank looks amazing! Im especially interested in your Rotalla Wallichii, it is looking so much better than mine. Mine is mostly green with the only red being the top 2cm. I have a 55 PC with AHSupply reflecto over my 20 gallon high and I cant even come close to having mine look that...
  21. KentCurtis

    planted 10 gallon low tech log

    So I could get away with tossing 2x 20 watt spirals in there or something?
  22. KentCurtis

    planted 10 gallon low tech log

    I was thinking of resurrecting a walmart 10 gallon special as well. What did you do to make it able to handle two decent spiral CFL's? My hood was rated for 25 watts, which I was wanting to go with more in the mid 30s range
  23. KentCurtis

    5lb co2 cylinder anyone?

    Whats the best place to buy a reasonably priced 5lb co2 cylinder? I thought theyd run about 50 dollars but everything im finding is at least 80
  24. KentCurtis

    lower wattage ballast

    Where can one get a ballast for around a 20 watt bulb, other than out of a store bought aquarium hood?
  25. KentCurtis

    5 gallon F/W

    I am thinking about getting a 5 gallon f/w aquarium to pu tin a different room of the house. I plan on making it a planted tank but I can't figure out what to do for lighting. I love the 55 watt bright kit i got from ah supply that i use over my 20 gallon, so I wouldn't mind wiring a ballast...
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