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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Z

    Whats the wierdest thing you have ever seen in a tank?

    Once I was at this bar that had a fish tank. There was one of those little airline bottles of Jack Daniel's floating in it. 8O
  2. Z

    3rd Annual AA.Com FANTASY FOOTBALL!!!

    Hey, everyone! I'm going to miss the draft, but for a good cause. My friend called me last week and told me he has extra tickets to the brickyard on Sunday. So, I'm leaving Saturday at 10:00 am to drive from Central Illinois to Indianpolis. Anyways, boo hoo for me, right? I'm pre-ranking my...
  3. Z

    What types of fish do Angels get along with best?

    I heard that a pair of breeding angels will be aggressive toward other fish. So, even though I wanted three or four of them (They're so cute, how can you resist?), I decided to play it safe and just get one. But, I picked out the BEST one. I swear that in the store there was a crowd of angelfish...
  4. Z

    Shovelnose Catfish!!

    Hey, ya'll. My little brother is going to be moving soon and wanted to give me his shovelnose and some type of cichlid (Texas, he thinks). I shuffled some fish around (I have several tanks) so that my 55gal in the living room would be empty for them. The move went well (I heard it was tough to...
  5. Z

    3rd Annual AA.Com FANTASY FOOTBALL!!!

    Yes, the Third annual :mrgreen: In September, I will have been at my new job for three years. It was at my old job that I signed up for FF for the first time. I thought to myself "Well, unless they didn't play last year, this should be the Third annual. But if they didn't play last year, it...
  6. Z

    3rd Annual AA.Com FANTASY FOOTBALL!!!

    I'm in. I have an apology to make. The last time I joined this league (I'm pretty sure it was two years ago, even though the forum topic said 2nd annual) I was only able to get online while I was at work. I signed up, picked my players, was all psyched up about playing, Did the draft and the...
  7. Z

    Happy birthday from the reptile advice community?

    I got this message today. It is my birthday, but I have never gone to the reptile advice site. ?
  8. Z

    I bought a dwarf frog

    They are small and don't grow big, so I would say anysize tank that you can get a filter on would be suffice. Wow, a one footed frog. I bet he swims in a lot of circles. I can see him (or her) in the wild saying to him/herself "Gee, this stop looks really familiar. I think I've been here...
  9. Z

    Freshwater Clams

    I believed you that they existed, I've just never heard of anyone putting them in their tanks. I dont' see any problem with putting them in your tank, but you may want to wait and get advice from someone who knows about them (and hopefully has owned one or two of them). :mrgreen:
  10. Z

    Freshwater Clams

    I've never heard of them.
  11. Z

    What new fish should I get?????

    OK, the posibilities are near endless. Alright, they're not endless, but there still are a lot of choices you can make. Getting a bottom feeder is a good idea. Plecos get too big for your tank, so avoid them. A lot of other catfish are nocturnal, like my spotted raphael. So, unless you like to...
  12. Z

    Dwarf African Frogs

    They, like any other fish, can pass diseases on to your fish. I didn't quarintine mine, but then again, I don't do that with any of my other fish. So, I guess, if you DO quarintine all new fish (it's a good idea, really) then the frog would be no different.
  13. Z

    Dumb freshwater question

    yes. Post a pic and we'll let you know what it is.
  14. Z

    Dumb freshwater question

    Male bettas are the ones you normally see in little bowls at your lfs. They have longer fins and are usually more colorful. Males will not tolerate another male, but you can have a tank full of females and they get along OK. 0X
  15. Z

    Dwarf African Frogs

    They will go to the top on their own. They are actually small enough that they can just float on the top, if they want to. I had one, but he died. I think he starved to death. He was really skinny. When I first got him, I was overfeeding my fish. There was PLENTY of flakes floating around the...
  16. Z

    Fish Help...

    Sounds like a bully. This does happen with semi agressive fish, such as the bala shark. You have to decide if it makes you mad enough to get rid of him. If you do, one of the other two may become the bully, so you always have to think about that. I have a cichlid that's a bully. He kept...
  17. Z

    Fish Help...

    If your sharks like to hide behind the rock, two things: First off, don't remove the rock Second, get more rocks! (or plants) The more hiding spots your fish have, the more comfortable they will be. It sounds weird, but the more hiding spots you have, the more you will see them. As for...
  18. Z

    Cichlid Price Ideas

    And, if you like the fish, but don't want to pay retail for it, you could always order one on-line. Be sure to order from a site with a "arrive alive" guarantee. 0X
  19. Z

    Crazy Nitrite reading on Betta tank...

    Is the divider a solid piece of glass/acrylic? Or does it have holes for water to flow through? Also, when you do changes, do you vaccum the gravel, or just scoop the water from the top with a cup?
  20. Z

    what types of fish has bitten you?

    See, I would come into your store just to watch you clean those tanks. That'd be hilarious, like watching Mr Bean. The electric catfish threw you ALL the way across the store?!? Man, they must pack a mighty whallop :!:
  21. Z

    what types of fish has bitten you?

    You think your skin has taken on a fishy flavor from eating seafood? :lol: Ol SoCal is like the crocodile hunter of the aquatic world. <In my best Aussie voice> What we have here is the rare NINE FOOT AUSTRIALIAN DEATH EEL! It's fangs are sharp and it's bite is vicious. Right now, he's getting...
  22. Z

    what types of fish has bitten you?

    So much for trying to dispel some stereotypes! :D I'm also laughing because Sixfootdaisy has only gotten touched by a gourami, and 'ol SoCal here has been mauled by just about every aquatic species known to man! Hey, man, STAY OUT OF THE OCEAN!
  23. Z

    Tiger Barbs getting along with other fishes

    I don't think they will calm down. I've also heard that if you keep them in a school that they will keep to themselves. I have four in my ten gallon tank and they nip at anything that goes into that tank. My hand, other fish, food, ANYTHING. I bought them and an angelfish. Within an hour, they...
  24. Z

    Algae - Clean it or Eat it?

    I personally like to eat the algae in my tank. Especially when you wash it down with spent tank water! Yummmy. :wink: I can't think of anything that will stay small. There may be something that I'm just not aware of. If you just started your tank, it's probably brown algae you have (correct?)...
  25. Z

    The Salty Cichlid

    So, do you have one of these?
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