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  1. B

    ID please...

    Pseudohemiodon apithanos ? Lets remember its capability to change colouring :D
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    ID please...

    yes yes, yes, to the power of three yes :) this is whiptail catfish belonging to the very same family as plecos do :)
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    ID please...

    It is greyish since yesterday evening. The fish is currently circa 4" long. So yesterday it changed its colouring because started feeding somewhere else. The spots from white& yellow became black. With my best wishes Tomasz
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    ID please...

    Hmmm. Noticed that one changes its colour dependably on the surface it feeds on... Maybe it would help... Does it fall under possibly: Pseudorinelepis genibarbis? With my best wishes Tomasz
  5. B

    Most peaceful fish for 10 gallon?

    Hmm what about German Blue ram? They are the most peaceful cichlids ever. They school very well and appear in loads colourful varieties including and not limited to electric blue, green, golden etc. They put up with extremely well with lets say kuhli loaches, thailand glass catfish and due to...
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    tomasz & barbara's tank

    An' my frog :) 'tis for aaron :)
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    Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

    Plancton and small crustaceans ;) So small shrimps would be grand for it as well as baby moules. With my best wishes Tomasz
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    Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

    I myself love the leafy sea-dragons :D bought small are not that expensive and their food should be quite abundant in Florida. With my best wishes Tomasz P.S. Or this one: Google Image Result for...
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    Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

    Totally agreed here ;) no2 should get lower naturally though. Epuerto lives in Florida so the quickest way would be to bring few buckets of ocean water home :D With my best wishes Tomasz
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    Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

    Well,,, I would do that and I did that ;) My point is that no3 cannot be at the level 0 in any way. When it happens there's not live active bacteria in the tank. I myself prefer to choose the moment right before the end of cycling the tank to introduce first tank inhabitant (part from bacteria...
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    Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

    Well the nitrate is going to be 0 - here i refer to no3 the waste product of no2 consuming bacteria, when all bacteria in the aquarium are dead and 100% of water has got changed. As the matter of fact in sw aquas no3 rises perpetually so thus either additional chemistry added to controll them is...
  12. B

    ID please... Acts as plecostomus - algae suction. Looks akin toRineloricaria regarding the colouring and caudal (tail) fin. The dorsal fin is definitely in the shape of one of plecostomus hypostomus/plecostomus...
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    tomasz & barbara's tank

    yet another algae eater... ;) :)
  14. B

    tomasz & barbara's tank

    I like that picture too :) Iana - the white and black cat always watches it as a reality show of some sort :) The other one found the aqua is its sleeping spot :D With my best wishes Tomasz
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    tomasz & barbara's tank

    it is 33 us gal or 27 uk gal or 125 littres :) - 10% for the plants and other decors....
  16. B

    tomasz & barbara's tank

    And the green one.... :D They're coping quite well across the treatment and this is the last 5 days to kill the larvae of parasite in the substrate...
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    tomasz & barbara's tank

    next portion of pictures :) :)
  18. B

    tomasz & barbara's tank

    And my plecos and ramirezi cichlids :) Forgimme the quality of photos and cloudness of water but needed to remove active coal from ye filter for the purposes of ich treatment :(
  19. B

    new member tank

    Splendid setup :) The beauty of the fish well is up to the taste ;) I like them... They look so scarry... With my best wishes Tomasz
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    tomasz & barbara's tank

    and the discs :) They're quite shy and one needs to wait motionless like 10-15 minutes before they come out... The grouped in pairs 2x2 for some reason... surprisingly guppies got accepted as the part of the brichardiis pack wich is pretty unusual ;) Lets wait 'till theymature sexually and for...
  21. B

    tomasz & barbara's tank

    Hello to every one and each of you :) Well apart from starter fish: 2 plecos and 2 lemon tailed guppies the rest of our ordered stock arrived today :) :) :) :) :) 4 x discus: 1 dark brown; 1 neon blue/red and 2 red ones 10 x neolamprologus brichardii please see the pictures attached ;) With...
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    Welcome to the forum.. I've bought juwel 120 last few days - 'tis howver not my first aqua. Best of luck though.. I am looking forward to installing the co2 as well. Is that murky water intentional ? Or it is just a pic ? With my best wishes Tomasz
  23. B

    Here Looking to Help

    Welcome to the forum.. It is always an asset to have somebody knowledgeable in the community... Pity though 'tis the reef part as far as I myself am more for freshwater ;) With my best wishes Tomasz
  24. B

    Hi everyone!

    Well - you have a tank I had when I was 14 then :) Not certain about the coexistence of angel fish with tetras but with danios it was okay. Those days I had in my 10 gal tank: Siamese fighting fish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 male Angelfish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 not...
  25. B

    Hi everyone!

    oh to keep pH on a lower level than 7.0 you mith need to purchase another tests (pH) and pH down drops which contain amongst others phosphorous. I recently invested in 25 6 in one tests. The kH level is as far as I remember responsibble for stability of pH. So in general is hard to decrease pH...
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