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  1. S

    External filter

    Its totally my own fault and I'm kicking myself for adding fish then changing my mind. The fluval filter has the small square sponge filter media. I really don't want to hurt the wee rams. This tank has been driving me insane for weeks now. Its all to do with not being able to control the high...
  2. S

    External filter

    The internal filter is creating far too much current in the tank and I don't want to add a spray bar so want to change to an external one. How long do I run both to give the external a chance to colonise enough bacteria
  3. S

    External filter

    Good morning. I have a trigon 190 corner set up with 4 blu rams. It's running with the fluval internal filter set up. I want to swap out the filters and add an external one. Can I run both filters at the same time?
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