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  1. A

    New 4ft Tropical tank what to put in it?

    Just bought a 4 ft tank, what sort of community tank could I do? There is only one thing is our beloved angel fish (aptly named ‘angelfish’) will be moving into the tank so any other fish have to fit round him as he is on his own but more than happy being king of the tank. So that will Rule out...
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    What else can live with Tiger Barbs?

    So today we have bought a shoal Of 12 tiger barbs for years I have stayed clear of them because we all know there reputation. But I have an empty tank so thought we’d build the tank up around them. We have corydorus happily at the bottom a couple of rams and the tiger barbs. What other shoaling...
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    Gravel or Sand or both?

    Can't decide if I should do gravel or sand for the bottom of my freshwater tank. I was tempted to do half and half but keep reading that it is almost impossible to keep the 2 from mixing. Just wondered what others have done and thought? Thanks
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