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  1. A

    25g stocking

    Hmm would it be better to see if my LFS would exchange my danios for neons? Why shouldn't danios be kept in a 25tall? Thanks pH 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate between 30 and 40. How can I lower this? More water changes?
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    25g stocking

    One of my platys I've had for just over 2 yrs, another I've had for about 5 months, and the other two are about 4 months old. Danios and neons I've had for about 3 months and the loach I got about 2 months ago. I do have a water test kit and will test and post my parameters tomorrow. My tank...
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    25g stocking

    I change my filter every month and do a 25% water change every two weeks. My loach is still pretty small, just over 3cm probs.
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    25g stocking

    Hey, I have a 25g tank with 3 zebra danios, 3 neon tetras, 2 African dwarf frogs, 1 hillstream loach and 4 platys. I'm looking at getting more platys, but don't want to overstock my tank. Any advice on if I can handle more and if so, how many? (two of my platys are previous fry and both turned...
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    Platy with dropsy

    My platy is suffering from dropsy and is at the 'pineconing' stage. Shes been sick awhile now with no signs of recovery and I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on euthanizing. I feel sick about doing it, but on the other hand, her suffering is painful to see too. Should I let nature take...
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    Fry care

    good to know! Maybe I'll wait awhile longer than, especially since there's only one fry large enough. Thanks for the tips!
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    Fry care

    Oo that's a good idea, I bet even one of those meat baster things would work! I have one fry that's about that size, the rest are all still too tiny so maybe I'll try releasing him after feeding today. I just assume they'll grow faster once released in the big tank, but maybe I'm wrong?
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    Fry care

    I have about 7 fry (platies) in a breeding net and there's a lot of waste building up at the bottom, is there any way to clean it out without transferring all the fry back and forth? It's too small for my siphon to work properly in. Also, how big should the fry grow before being released back in...
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    0.25 ammonia levels okay?

    Alright I did a 20% water change today and the nitrite dropped back to 0. Everything else stayed the same. I had had two filters running, one for the 25g tank and another from my 10g tank to help speed the cycle. I removed just the 10g one, should I put it back in?
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    0.25 ammonia levels okay?

    Alright, after 24hrs with no water change, my test results were indeed different. pH and nitrate stayed the same. I'd say the ammonia is a bit more yellow than last time, so somewhere just over 0ppm, however nitrite rose back to 0.25ppm! I also removed the 10g filter yesterday after the water...
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    0.25 ammonia levels okay?

    I was using two filters that were previously being used in other tanks, one from a 10g and the other from the 25g, which would have sped up the cycle. Here's what my levels were.. Aug 24 - pH- 7.6, Am - 0.25ppm, Nitrite - 2ppm, Nitrate - 0ppm (2-20% PWC) Aug 25 - pH- 7.6, Am - 0.25ppm, Nitrite...
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    0.25 ammonia levels okay?

    Alright I'll hold off on the water changes for a few days. I've only been feeding my fish once a day in caution of ammonia levels. However, aren't levels under 40ppm of nitrate alright for the aquarium to help break down the ammonia and nitrite? This is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong.
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    0.25 ammonia levels okay?

    I started my tank cycle on the 24th, and I think my cycle is almost over, however there is still ammonia present. (I'd say somewhere between 0 and .25ppm). My nitrate is at about 20ppm and nitrite has dropped to 0 (started at 2ppm). I'm currently stocked with 4 platys and 3 fry in my 25g tank...
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    How do you add natural items to your tank?

    I'd definitely boil them first. I had some 'clean rocks' that I transferred to my beta tank from a lake, and the beta got sick and died the following morning which was really upsetting. With rocks you're suppose to bake them to rid them of all the bacteria but I'm not sure if you can bake...
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    Whats wrong with my fish?

    The female platys probably really stressed from the male as well, generally a 3:1 female to male platy ratio is best. The increased and constant stress will have lowered your platys immune system making her at higher risk to disease. On the other hand though you don't want to overstock your...
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    Please help! Possible fin rot...

    I have some platys and a couple developed fin rot yesterday, I talked to the owner of my LFS and he said to add a tablespoon of aquarium salt for every 5 gallons. This coats them in a type of slime I believe and helps it heal faster. You can also use seasalt, as long as your salt has no...
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    Oversize Pleco?

    Any opinions on a super red pleco? Is 10g too small still? Should I just get snails? I am planning to upgrade to a 20g within the next month but maybe I should wait until then for any pleco investments.
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    Brotherly love?

    That's what I originally thought, he/she just has a really odd behavior with the other male that makes me second guess it. I did raise these two originally as fry though whereas my other two platys (female) are recent additions (1 and a half month) I'm just worried about the amount of stress the...
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    when will platy drop fry?

    One of my platys is about the same size as yours, she's still quite active though, keep us updated on when she drops!
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    Oversize Pleco?

    My parents were looking after my aquarium while I was away traveling and purchased him while I was away, not realizing their growth rates. I think I'll take him back to my pet store tomorrow and wait out on getting another algae eater for awhile as my fish are a bit stressed as it is with a...
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    Brotherly love?

    That fish is no longer 'rounded' so if it was a dropsy i assume it self-cured. And yeah I'm still torn on whether it's male or female, I guess if he/she rounds out again I'll just have to keep a close eye
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    Oversize Pleco?

    Thanks for the advice! I've currently got my eye on a 25g tank, so if that doesn't work out in next week I'll take him back to the fish store. As per the driftwood, I hadn't heard of that before, I'll definitely pick some up for him. Thanks again!
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    Oversize Pleco?

    I've had my pleco for about 5 months, and I'm worried he's getting to big for my aquarium size (10g). I feed him an algae wafer about twice a week or so, but at this point I think he's likely creating more waste than good. I've talked to the petstore I purchased him from and they said they'd...
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    Brotherly love?

    This was my 2 fish about 2 months ago, she had to have been pregnant then, but it was just before I purchased the other females. Her 'swelling' subsided a bit the next day, but soon after I left for 10 days and when I returned I spotted 5 remaining fry. Assuming I had just bought an already...
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    Brotherly love?

    ahh good! That makes me feel much better too that my female to male ratio is a bit better now as well. Thanks for your help, hopefully I'll be posting pictures of the new fry in the upcoming weeks :)
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