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  1. T

    Right advice for a new fish keeper with an inherited tank

    Clown loaches will rid you of snails and they won’t bother your neons
  2. T

    Right advice for a new fish keeper with an inherited tank

    Your bio load is not that high I wouldn’t d any water changes until nitrite levels get above 40ppm
  3. T

    Post your full tank shot here.

    These are two full sized Oscar’s that paired up there never apart from each other
  4. T


    Hello Been caring for fresh water fish sines I was 10 yrs old currently 63 now I have two tanks 220 gal Ana 75gal in my fish room I wanted to get another 210 gal but I had a stroke I’m still recobvering from so maint, that I can do is limited. My name is Tom hope to communicate with all you...
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