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  1. P

    hey folks

    LOL I agree! This is funny, because just today I took some new measurements at the condo and decided to relocate the tank to a far wall, and go with a more traditional setup. I'm looking at a 180 gallon that is 6' x 24'' x 25''.
  2. P

    took all my bio balls out

    There really is no difference. If you are worried, it certainly won't hurt to remove 25% every week. However, I have talked to dozens upon dozens of hobbyists, including myself, who just removed them all at the same time. I have never heard a single bad situation occur from a total 100%...
  3. P

    hey folks

    Just passing by from another site. Had a little time on my hands, so I figured why not join? Quick bio: 20 years fishkeeping, 15 years marine. My fishroom once exceeded 45 aquariums, 14 marine tanks. After my divorce, i had to simplify space. I currently run a 37 gallon reef. I just...
  4. P

    took all my bio balls out

    I am confident you will be 100% fine. Actually, you should start to see some major benefits within the next 60 days. Algae growth will reduce and Nitrates will begin to drop. If you go back to the 1990's the internet was full of people with this exact question. The big names in the hobby...
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