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  1. J

    bolivian ram

    thanks so much for your reply. I agree that I don't want him to suffer.:( at this time he is acting totally normal. eating, swimming, and in no distress. he is in a 55 gal. tank with rainbow fish. they are very placid fish so no danger of them beating up on him. my plan is to observe him for the...
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    bolivian ram

    I have a 6 year old bolivian ram that has started to show a white film on his scales. I know that he is quite old and I believe this is a bacteria infection due to his age. I am hesitant to put him through any type of treatment. the first thing I am concerned about is will this bacteria spread...
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    vacation planning

    Thanks everyone for all your help. Back from vacay and everything is fine. My neighbor fed the pre-measured portions every other day and everyone looks great. First time I've Ieft my tank for that long. I've left for a few days but not 10 so I was thrilled everything worked out.
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    vacation planning

    Thanks so much big b and nils for your replies. I will be doing a large water change (50%) the night before we leave and hope for the best. Thanks again:flowers:
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    vacation planning

    Hi Guys I'm leaving for a 10 day vacation. Fish will be fed every other day by neighbor. I am pre filling small bags with food to try to keep control of the amount of food they get. My big question is will the fish be o.k. without a water change for 10 days? I have a 50 gallon tank that's been...
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    Rainbow fish

    Thanks ExoticAquarist. I've had it set up for about 5 years. I wasn't sure if I would like it but I live in a house with very few walls and really had no place for a traditional aquarium. This has worked out well. I think the fish really like all the forward swimming room they have. The tank is...
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    Rainbow fish

    Yes it is an emerald. I've had him for about 5 months. His color is really starting to come in. He's now about 4-5 inches long. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Rainbow fish

    Thanks for the pictures. Beautiful fish. I have to say Pseudomugil you have a fantastic selection of rainbows. What size is your tank? I have a 55 gal community tank with 6 rainbows. The latest additions are 2 goyder river rainbows. Only about 2 inches long now. See tank below. Sent from my...
  9. J

    Rainbow fish

    Please post photos of your rainbow fish. Thanks. See mine below. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  10. J

    Blue ram

    and yes that is blue ram. they will develop more color as they mature. a few pics of mine. at the time these pictures were taken my gbr's were about one year old. both males. I have an all male tank.
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    Blue ram

    German Blue Ram here's a good article on the German blue ram (GBR). I have kept many in the past few years. they do best in a well established aquarium. frequent water changes are also required which of course are needed for the health of all fish.
  12. J

    Bloat or pregnant?

    usually with bloat when you view your fish from above you can see the scales puffing out from their body. it' pretty easy to tell when you know what to look for.
  13. J

    Anyone know what this is?

    the best thing you can do at this point(without knowing exactly what you're dealing with) is to keep your water as clean as possible. test your parameters and do frequent water changes to make sure your fish has the best chance of healing. is there a chance he injured himself on something in the...
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    Rainbow ID

    I have a few rainbows in my community tank. some pictures. I really love these fish. great color, size and temperament. great addition to a fresh water tank.
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    Beautiful Red

    yes. they are both south american dwarf cichlids. apistogramma's. beautiful fish :fish2:with many color variations.
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    Show off your favorite fish

    Don't know where pic went sending again. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  17. J

    Beautiful Red

    Beautiful! What color variation is the yellow apisto ? VERY nice. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Show off your favorite fish

    Red, my apisto. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Beautiful Red

    Pictures didn't attach. Will try again sigh. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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    Beautiful Red

    Just wanted to show off Red my apisto. Have had him for about 5 months. He's now around 3 inches long. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  21. J

    power blue dwarf gourami swimming vertically

    sorry but no one will be able to help you until you get a liquid test kit to measure ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and ph. get one asapand then post the results. you'll get lots of replys i'm sure.
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    Seachem Trace Elements

    i have been using trace elements in my tank for about 2 years. i started when i was using a mix of ro and tap to keep a lower ph for my cichlids. after about a year of mixing i decided to gradually let my ph rise to the tap waters natural ph. i continued to use the trace elements as they are...
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    Live/Fresh food for cichlids

    i put them in whole as they are thin small worms. they do take a certain amount of care. they are kept in the refrigerator and need to be rinsed daily with treated cold tap water. i use prime in the water. put the worms in a fine net so they don't slip through the holes and pour the water over...
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