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  1. Morgaaan

    Help ich??

    Umm, I haven't noticed any of that yet, but they do have white spots, not a lot yet. I bought some ich medicine before work, would it be okay to use it just to be safe, I moved the two fish that looked the worst to another tank..
  2. Morgaaan

    Help ich??

    I think some of my fish have ich??? I really hope not, could anyone tell me if they do? If so I think it's In the beginning stages....
  3. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    One more update! Got the light today, now everything is in and looking pretty good:] Here is some pics
  4. Morgaaan

    What could i put in this tank?

    Well it's my gf's tank so it kinda has to be really easy to take care of!
  5. Morgaaan

    What could i put in this tank?

    Thanks, and no I ended up buying that light separate. I think it puts out decent light, not high or anything, but decent! And thanks Il take a look at a few!
  6. Morgaaan

    What could i put in this tank?

    I would like to add plants to my girlfriends tank! I just need to know what kind of plants I could put in there? And if I have enough light for it? The tank is three gallons. Here's the light.
  7. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Update! The plants came in today!! Everything looks amazing as suspected! Now just waiting for the t5ho fixture to come in! It should come tomorrow or the next day! Well here's some pictures
  8. Morgaaan

    Can someone identify?

    And I believe they are nippy!
  9. Morgaaan

    Can someone identify?

    I've noticed mine being nippy, but I'm going to add a bunch of plants so I think il be okay!
  10. Morgaaan

    Can someone identify?

    Perfect! Thanks everyone, I think I got lucky this time, I bought three of them!
  11. Morgaaan

    Can someone identify?

    I bought this fish and have no idea of its name? Could someone help me and tell me some stuff about it?
  12. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Yupp, And it's a check valve. But like I said early that project might be held til the future, maybe next paycheck!
  13. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Yes.. That's pretty much all I would need. I already have the basic setup for a ten gallon tank.
  14. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    That's a great idea, I have plenty of other tanks. It would be possible to add it to one of my 10 gallon tanks? I'd have to think about it though before I really jump into... If I converted another one of my tanks to a planted, it gets pricey! Maybe in the future:}
  15. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    I could look into it, but it definitely wouldn't be anytime soon. I've always wanted to use co2 on a tank..
  16. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Thanks for the tip!, is there anything to substitute excel or liquid carbon that won't hurt the anacharis?
  17. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    I can't wait to get them in the tank! I think there going to look awesome! :]]]
  18. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Update! I decided to use instead! Much better prices and lower shipping cost! I ended up purchasing anacharis, broad lead ludwigia, green cabomba, rotala indica, dwarf Lilly, potamogeton gayi, moneywort, bacopa caroliniana, bacopa bunch, hornwort bunch, water sprite( Indian...
  19. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    So I've picked out a few plants from! I've picked out a dwarf lily plant, anacharis, Italian Val's, cryptocoryne undulata, hydrophilic corymbosa, java fern, and bacopa Carolina !
  20. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Now that's a deal!
  21. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Well thanks, now il just have to wait until pay day! Il make sure to look at the one seller. I'd much rather but something that will last over something cheap thats gunna fall apart.. So now that I have been convinced that increasing light is what I have to do next... Now I have to pick out...
  22. Morgaaan

    Good plants for a 55

    Would this do the job??
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