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  1. Sombunya

    2 HOB Filters in 38 Gal Aquarium?

    I have a AC 70 hanging on the back of a 20 gallon tank with three small Goldfish, a 3" Sculpin and a 3" Bluegill. Although the water quality is good and I do 50% changes weekly, it barely makes it.
  2. Sombunya


    And do water changes treating the new water with PRIME. If it is a small tank and you are doing large water changes, watch the temperature, trying to keep it close. If the water is properly treated you can change it as often as you like. I was doing 50% changes daily on one of my tanks while it...
  3. Sombunya

    60 G. Tank integrity? Corners not flush!

    If the silicone was set before the tank was filled, and I'm sure it was, then any movement after it was set would cause a leak. I don't think the glass is "bending" either. If the tank is 24" tall you still have less than 1 pound per square inch pushing against the sides. I'd keep an eye on it...
  4. Sombunya

    Proper Way to clean 10g HOB?

    What are they, $2-$3 each? If it's a once-a-month thing I say shop for the best deal and buy a new one. Some fish stores wheel and deal. See if you can get a discount. In a ten gallon tank watch out for a mini-cycle though.
  5. Sombunya

    General Filtration Questions

    Exactly. I had a tank by the window once. Big mistake. Cleaning your filter every day or even every week is a mistake too. My fish are massive waste producers, and I feed them heavily as well. I vacuum and change water often (25% twice a week) but I rarely touch the filters unless I can see the...
  6. Sombunya

    The Python Challenge

    I think I'm paying about a third of a cent per gallon for my tap water. Three gallons for less than a penny. I change about 50 gallons twice a week. May take more than that to pump it out. If I use 300 gallons a week to do my water changes then I'm paying less than a dollar to do it. And my...
  7. Sombunya

    going from salt to fresh water

    Personally I disinfect with Sodium Hypochlorite, also known as swimming pool chlorine. If you use Chlorox or a laundry bleach then double the amount below. I think about 1/3 of a gallon in your 75 gallon tank will give you a 500 ppm concentration, plenty to disinfect it well. Add the substrate...
  8. Sombunya

    A sign I saw at Petco

    Don't use table salt. It contains additives. If you want to use salt in a FW tank but don't feel like spending $8 for a pound of it you can use Kosher salt. I find at the .99 cent store for 99 cents a pound. I did a google search about salt use and kept track of the "pro" vs "con" websites...
  9. Sombunya

    Nothing after Cycling for 24 hours

    With a tank that small I'd seed it with material from a cycled tank and then add a (small) fish or two and let it cycle that way. You'd be doing water changes every day but with a tank that small it would be easy to keep the nasties at or below .25 ppm.
  10. Sombunya

    High Nitrates

    You should be doing 25% changes every week, IMO.
  11. Sombunya

    How much Nitrite is too much?

    Sounds good to me. I think if you keep them that low through the cycle you will have no problems.
  12. Sombunya

    Tank support

    FWIW, I have a 100 gallon tank that is 60" long, 24" high and 16" deep. The builder advises that the tank be placed on a flat surface and that a couple of strips of wood, 1/8" thick, maybe 2 inches wide and maybe 17-18 inches long be placed under each end and not the front and back. So the...
  13. Sombunya

    How much Nitrite is too much?

    I did 50% PWC's on my 20 every day while it was cycling. Then one day, everything was good.
  14. Sombunya

    Fishy Poo...

    Not sure. I once saw a three incher come out of a two inch Goldfish. Only once. Try changing food.
  15. Sombunya

    How many in a 180 gal tank.

    I've never kept Oscars but I have a 100 gallon tank (60" long, 24" tall, 16" wide) and it is the minimum size needed for my 4 six inch Bluegill, in my opinion. A 150 or 180 would be better. They need space.
  16. Sombunya

    what do you think of this tank?

    Kind of artsy. I'm a bit of a conventionalist. But it does not matter what others think, only how much you like it. $180 seems a bit steep for just 25 gallons, IMO.
  17. Sombunya

    How to Know if my tap water is safe?

    Probably not if you use PRIME and you are only concerned with water temp.
  18. Sombunya

    How to Know if my tap water is safe?

    One cap full treats 50 gallons. When you say you've contacted your "water board", do you mean your local water company/provider? I've worked for two municipal water companies and it is a simple question to answer if you get the right person on the line. There are many factors that determine...
  19. Sombunya

    Dirty Looking Water

    I purposely stir mine up so the filters can catch the stuff. They clear within an hour. If your tank is cycled and you do not make the mistake of "cleaning" your filter once a week, and your filter is properly sized to turn turn the tank over at the very least 5 times per hour (10 times an hour...
  20. Sombunya

    Goldfish help

    I actually moved the little Bluegill back into the Sculpin tank, for feeding reasons. Not an expert by any stretch, as many will guess. But let me just say that my past experience with Bluegills suggest these fish are among the hardiest. I'm still wondering just what exactly is the extreme...
  21. Sombunya

    Goldfish help

    The Betta is the dominant fish in the tank. The water is in the low 70's. The Bluegill hides at the bottom in the fake plants most of the time. I'll be taking it out soon because it does that. It didn't hide nearly as much when it was in the Sculpin tank. My six other Bluegill are as healthy as...
  22. Sombunya

    Goldfish help

    I have three 2" Golds and a Betta in a 10 gallon tank. I just recently added a 2" Bluegill to it. I do a 50% water change each week (that's how much is removed when I'm done vacuuming) and the water param's have always been excellent. Nitrates barely hit 10 ppm. I know what people say about...
  23. Sombunya

    Saltwater to Freshwater

    As many people, including myself, add salt to their freshwater aquariums I see no problem. As long as there were no other biological problems with the salt tank.
  24. Sombunya

    Hypothetical ammonia levels question...

    I've seen 3 gallon tanks with tiny HOB filters. They can be cycled. Then a 1 gallon water change once a week. What could be easier?
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