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  1. Members SW Tanks

    Members SW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. Saltwater


    Post a photo of your Saltwater or Reef Aquarium
  3. Snails, limpets, abalones etc...

    Snails, limpets, abalones etc...

  4. C

    something wrong with skimmer!

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my skimmer. I have one of the all in one tanks and the skimmer is in the back section of the tank, which has some vents in it. For some reason starting today, When i turn the skimmer on, after about 30 seconds it starts producing a HEAP of tiny bubbles. like so...
  5. C

    finally got my fish! (youtube)

    hi all. I finally got my 2 clowns. i am not sure exactly what type they are yet. but here is a little video YouTube - my new fish Also it shows my chiller which is not working so i am a bit worried about my fish and temp! the chiller was working yesterday, but not today. i just doesnt chill...
  6. C

    electronic chillers?

    Hi, I just found and bought a electronic chiller for $130 bucks. The brand is Yincheng. i was just wondering if anyone has used these before. i just have a small 40ltr tank. I have only had it for 2 days, yesterday it was working fine, but today, its not chilling my tank at all. but it says its...
  7. C

    filter mod and skimmer question

    thanks for your reply.! what is your reason for not running a skimmer on a tank my size? its just one of those all in one tanks and the skimmer comes built into it. but that makes it great being able to turn it off at night. its so loud!
  8. C

    what is this little critter

    Hey, I just noticed this little thing in my tank today. just looks like some kind of snail without a shell! the thing is it is leaving a trail behind it and its getting pretty long. does anyone know what this thing is ? Thanks
  9. unknown


  10. C

    filter mod and skimmer question

    Hey guys, Well I am almost ready to buy my fish!! cannot wait. I am just waiting to pick up my chiller on wednesday. Ok I have a few questions/. As i stated before, I have a 40ltr nano tank (about 14gallons) The current pump does 450ltrs/h which is not to bad but i was hoping on upgrading it...
  11. C

    brittle star in back chamber

    Hey all, My brittlestar has managed to make his way into the back chamber of my 40ltr nano. he is in the part near the skimmer, i can see him through the vents. is it ok to just leave him there, or will I have to remove him and put im back. i dont really want to touch him :P
  12. C

    some pics and some help?

    Yes that is a good idea. And yea i already sit there for ages looking haah!. and to the question about what i have in there, I have nothing but hitchikers so far. I am having a little problem with temp still and dont want to put anything in there until my chiller arives. so within a week i...
  13. C

    some pics and some help?

    thanks, now i feel better, i also called the shop i got the rock from and she said you find a few of them in their live rock. i saw a tiny bit of its actual body today, its pretty awesome! to have something so big in your tank without actually adding anything!x
  14. C

    some pics and some help?

    ok the arm looks like an arm of the thing in this picture. Brittle star 002.JPG is it good or bad for my tank.?
  15. C

    some pics and some help?

    Thanks for the reply, yes i thought my Sg was a bit high, will try to drop it down some more. also i have no idea what a brittlestar is, or a tunicat. ill have to look them up. i thought it looked a fair bit different than the other tthing that i am sure is a bristleworm (i checked on youtube)...
  16. C

    some pics and some help?

    hey. I know, I only have my phone for photos, so very hard to get a good one. with flow, my pump does 450Ltrs/H and my skimmer does the same. I am using filtered water that is connected to my tap. RO. my paramaters are: ammonia = 0 nI = 0 nA = 0 PH = 8.2 Salinity = 1028 temp between 27 -...
  17. C

    some pics and some help?

    Hey, I have got some more rock for my tank! its pretty nice, I have not done any real aqua scaping yet. here are a few pics. my complete tank. Yes i know it is dirty, ill come to that in a minute. some of my rock. In this next picture, i have what i think is a bristleworm? does it look...
  18. tanknew


  19. tankdirty


  20. nicerock


  21. newrock


  22. colourfulalgie


  23. bristleworm


  24. C

    new to saltwater new tank cleaning help

    Yea i know its not huge, well last night (once it cooled down) i had the heater so the temp stayed on around 28.4, i watched it for a few hours and it really just stayed around that temp so i thought i was good for minimum temp but this morning it was on 27.4. i just wonder why since i didnt...
  25. C

    new to saltwater new tank cleaning help

    thanks, i think once i get this fan i should be able to keep it to about 28 maybe even lower. the strange thing is i woke up this morning, wend down stairs and it was on 27.4! what the? i have my heater set at 28 just to try to keep everything stable. now it was on 27.4 and the heater isnt even...
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