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  1. Disastroues

    265 gallon

    JraGold the tank is looking fantastic. How do you find maintenance on it with it being so tall?
  2. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    Mifsud I used the Kordon ich attack and it worked no problem. Snail was never affected and healed up my goldfish wonderfully. Thanks for the help.
  3. Disastroues

    Any suggestions on my newly planted tank

    Sweet. I'm planning on starting to rescape my 30 gallon once I re home my goldfish. So hopefully in the next week or two. Look forward to seeing your progress.
  4. Disastroues

    Any suggestions on my newly planted tank

    I like how simple your tank looks. Very clean looking design. Would definitely like to see some pictures once the plants start to grow out more. What kind of fish are you going to stock in it?
  5. Disastroues

    My First Saltwater Nano

    Following along. Always wanted a nano SW, just intimidated by the process of switching from FW.
  6. Disastroues

    265 gallon

    Looks pretty fantastic from what I can see
  7. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    I'll see if I'm able to find any. I not heard of it before. Worse comes to worse I go out and get a 10 Gallon quarantine tank for the snails, and treat my whole tank as a preventative measure.
  8. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    That's ok. I appreciate the effort. At least you thought of it before it was worse.
  9. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    So would a reasonable regiment be a 50% WC daily until conditions improve. And for how long after the ich has healed should I keep the temperature at 86ºF ? I really appreciate all the help and advice with this.
  10. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    Awesome. Thanks Mifsud. Would adding prime help me any or just cause more issues
  11. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    How quickly should I raise the temperature I don't wanna do it too fast. I keep their water at around 71-74 F.
  12. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    I did an 80% WC in the hopes that will help. Just adding in some of the last bit of water. Will dosing with extra prime do me any good you think?
  13. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    I don't have another tank to use for quarantine though that's my issue
  14. Disastroues

    Ich treatment without killing snails

    Came home this evening and started to feed my fish. When I noticed a couple of white spots on my goldfish tail. I know it's ich and I know I can use chemical or salt. Is there any way to treat the ich without harming my apple snail that is in the tank. My other tank has assassin snails in it...
  15. Disastroues

    Brian's(Old Scales)Rescape Journal "Yikes!"

    Love those macro shots OS. Getting flowers too look good is a challenge. Props to you on your success with capturing your fish.
  16. Disastroues

    Goldfish, apple snail, and plants?

    Thanks jlk. I'll look for some plant anchors today when I go to the LFS. Wave dancer what plants did you have in your tank?
  17. Disastroues

    Any Canadians?

    Edmonton Alberta as well. Freshwater tanks, Just getting everything together for my first planted tank
  18. Disastroues

    265 gallon

    Hey JraGold got any recent pictures of your build curious to see it all said done and full.
  19. Disastroues

    Calling all Albertans!!

    Simple yet effective, thanks for the tip magma
  20. Disastroues

    Goldfish, apple snail, and plants?

    I had to look up elodea. Never heard of that one before. To be honest I had no idea what light I had on the tank before you asked me. The tank was given to me free from a friends dad. The light that is in their is a single 30" fluorescent tube. I took a picture of it. I don't know if that will...
  21. Disastroues

    Calling all Albertans!!

    You're a brave soul magma. I get nervous with just a 30 or 45 min drive from the LFS back home with new additions. The dash between a preheated vehicle and the LFS at -25 is always my biggest concern. I know it's a short period of time just always makes me nervous
  22. Disastroues

    Calling all Albertans!!

    Oh SW is in the future but I highly doubt anything would enjoy the 3 hour drive north
  23. Disastroues

    Calling all Albertans!!

    Who/what is golds? Still learning some of the language on this forum?
  24. Disastroues

    Goldfish, apple snail, and plants?

    I know the comets are going to get much larger, there are plans for a tank up grade in the future. Hopefully a 90 or 120 will suffice. But I'm still looking for hardy plants that can withstand an apple snail appetite. Anyone?
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