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  1. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Thanks for all the help :-) I've put them in a separate tank but I'm still waiting for her to spawn, not sure how long it normally takes but I'm trying to be patient lol
  2. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    The legal limit is no higher than 50mg/l which I'm assuming to be the same as 5ppm
  3. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    I already have a lot of pest snails but they keep my assassin snails happy so it's all good :-)
  4. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Yeah I'll have a look into an underwater filter tomorrow if I can pick up a cheap one other wise I'll have to try and make do with what I already have. Would putting a normal filter in work if I put it low in the tank or is there risk of it breaking?
  5. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Well I'm not sure if there are or not but my filters are all HOB filters and wasn't sure if the current was making it down into the bottom as its a tall tank, I might just be paranoid but don't want the eggs to be sat in a dead spot under the marbles, I guess I could swap some fish around to get...
  6. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    I have contacted my water supplier and they are sending me an analysis of the water for my area and they tested and it shows 29 and abit (so call it 30) and my levels are showing around 60 for the API liquid test kit so what the other guy was saying is if my test kit is inaccurate showing 60...
  7. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    I've had them around 2-3months now and were a fair size when bought so should be almost if not already adults so ill definitely check later on I have a 25L tall hex would that be ok for them to breed in? Only thing is I'm not sure if my filters move the water in the bottom around so as not to...
  8. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Oh I'll have to have a look later then, thanks. Don't think I've seen any that could be males but haven't looked that closely and I guess whoever told me about the colour was wrong then thanks for clearing that up :-)
  9. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    im not sure on the sex of the rest of the danios to be quite honest im not sure on how to sex them, the only fish i can sex is live bearers to be honest lol. someone told me that the females arent as bright as the males but thats not always easy to see. I'd lov a mixture of both as im sure...
  10. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Well as far as I'm aware they haven't paired or he hasn't shown much interest (that I've seen) but I'd like him to be the father as he's a long finned zebra and such great colours so figured it could produce some nice offspring
  11. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Well she's already pretty swollen with eggs so is it too late to start feeding bloodworm? And wouldn't a water change so much cooler send them into shock?
  12. W

    DIY 4ft tank stand

    Yeah ill have to find a site based in the UK for that as I think the shipping would be too expensive, the product is already pretty expensive but thanks!
  13. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Oh right, is it worth moving the female and the male I want to breed into a separate tank? (They're in a community tank at the minute)
  14. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    Ok thanks for the help :-)
  15. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    Yeah I will divide by 2 in future but does that also apply to tank readings for nitrates?? As I said on the other reply I've been told the law is no higher than 50ppm before they have to act on it
  16. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    Well from what someone else has told me the law is no higher than 50ppm so they won't be concerned at all unless it does reach a lot higher
  17. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    Yeah I have the API test kit although sometimes I do find it hard to decide what the result is as the colour doesn't match anything in the chart We don't really have any pool shops around here in the UK lol
  18. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    I have the API TEST kit
  19. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    Update for everyone: I contacted my water supplier and they said that their tests showed the trates were no higher than 29ppm and that my test was probably wrong as home tests are highly unreliable I asked for a report on my water and it should be with me in a few days. I spoke to someone...
  20. W

    Zebra & leopard danio

    Will they breed together? I have a female leopard and she's definitely carrying eggs but the only males I have are zebra, will they interbreed?
  21. W

    DIY 4ft tank stand

    Ah well see I don't have a sump, I use HOB filters so its not so much the inside I'm worried about, I tend to spill mine down the front which would run straight onto the wood. Over here in the UK 99% of houses are made from brick we don't really use wood for houses so weather/water proof paint...
  22. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    What's grocery water? Not heard of that one before
  23. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    I don't know any place by me that sell those plants as a lot of places don't label them, do you have a picture of them so maybe I can look tomorrow at the LFS please? I had lots of cabomba plants in my biggest tank but they made such a mess and clogged up my filters I removed them for 3x large...
  24. W

    Nitrates at 60ppm FROM THE TAP!

    I just tested my tap water and the trates are through the roof what can I do to reduce them? Even if I do a water test on my tanks I'm not going To get a good reading I don't know what to do!
  25. W

    Question on PWC.

    Over time could it become a dangerous amount though? If I'm doing a 30-40% WC each week would it build up enough to harm them?
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