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  1. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    It's a maroon clown!
  2. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    here is my turbo snail!
  3. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    radioactive dragon eyes oh yeah I got a turbo snail just one to help clean my glass just got it today love it it's big!!
  4. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Updates Roscoe my clown is doing great got a skunk cleaner shrimp Loui he is pretty cool to no new coral here are some pics
  5. deckaman225

    10 gallon nano-reef coming together

    Man your tank is lookin awesome love your new coral additions!!
  6. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Lol I knew somthing was up I used a test strip which are not that accurate and even tested the distilled water and it all read good with the strip so Anyways it's all good happy to know ammo 0 trite 0 trate mabe 1-2ppm!
  7. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    False alarm I shook the test solution up really good and retested PH is at 8.0 so lookin good!
  8. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    I am using distilled water to top off could that have anything to do with it?
  9. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Like 7.4 or less!
  10. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    My Ph is pretty low what can I do about that?
  11. deckaman225

    New inhabitants on the way

    Check out how much my Acan has grown it is starting to look pretty cool!
  12. deckaman225

    New inhabitants on the way

    Yeah an zoas can be pretty finicky in IMO mine were open really good when I got them then a few colony's stopes opening for like a week but if they do that don't be discouraged they should open back up they are pretty cool coral!!
  13. deckaman225

    New inhabitants on the way

    See this is mine in the morning when I turned my lights on!!
  14. deckaman225

    New inhabitants on the way

    Those candy canes look awesome after you turn the lights all of the heads open up real nice!
  15. deckaman225

    New inhabitants on the way

    Awesome man looks nice!!
  16. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Ok I will post one after work!
  17. deckaman225

    My Future Build 30-40g AIO

    They are 18 inches wide!
  18. deckaman225

    Anemone & coral types for clowns

    When they are full grown but if u have a good system and nitrates stay low it should be fine!
  19. deckaman225

    My Future Build 30-40g AIO

    I would go with a 40 b the tank has so much space for aqua scape and is shallower I thing I'm gonna put a 30 gal sump on it awesome layout for a reef!!
  20. deckaman225

    My 10 Gallon Nano Build

    Yeah prolly so the LFS that I got my GSP from has really nice coral but there prices are way high they usually only have large pieces that are 40$ lowest!! But the one closer has smaller frags and way better prices they grow quick if you have a good light!
  21. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    And my favorite so far GSP healthy as ever!
  22. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Favia doin great growing really good!
  23. deckaman225

    New tank just set it up cube 12 first saltwAter tank

    Here is one of my zoa!! I fraged one polyp of it two weeks ago and know it has three polyps!
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