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    New tank, 20 Gallon High with 10 Tetras and 2 Apple Snails

    I don't have a betta yet, neon tetras The snails are kinda just breeding but my tank can't fit that many snails. I have cycled aquariums and know how to cycle it I am using an AmmoniaAlert and a PHAlert We also put some Bacteria from a bottle in I have 10 Neon Tetras
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    Stocking community tank

    Yeah that seems good personally I have 10 neon tetras In a 20 gallon high.
  3. T

    New tank, 20 Gallon High with 10 Tetras and 2 Apple Snails

    I have a 20 Gallon tank been there for about 10 days. Used Betta tank water for cycling, now my Ammonia went up to 0.05ppm is this just New Tank syndrome or? My snails are also breeding any tips on that? I also would like to add a betta to the tetra tank is that a good idea?
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    Fertilizing Frogbit

    1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water.
  5. T

    Berghia Nudibranchs

    I don't think this is a trading website...
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    Chat GPT Stocking recommendation

    That looks good!
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    Fertilizing Frogbit

    Look on the back of the box?
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    Teal green growth on gravel???

    That looks like Algee doesn't get me for sure tho.
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    Fish dead after 1 hour in bag from pet shop

    Probably not, I would ask the pet shop about this. How long were the fish in there? Filters with waterfalls give oxygen to the fish without those the water runs out of oxygen. That may have been why. Glad they are okay!
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