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  1. TraceyB4602

    Dottyback getting slapped around

    You can't really see the damage because her fins aren't spread but pieces of her tail are missing and she has some scales that look to be missing too
  2. TraceyB4602

    What is it? Sea urchin spawning???

    It is and I'm glad I got to see it in person, I was freaking out thinking he was dying and polluting my tank so that's a relief.
  3. TraceyB4602

    Dottyback getting slapped around

    I know that sounds weird as they are usually the bullies but she's new and I have a flame hawkfish that is being a real douche to her. She's out right now but every time he sees her he chases her and I see a lot more fin missing than I would like. It's a 90g tank and there are plenty of hiding...
  4. TraceyB4602

    What is it? Sea urchin spawning???

    So gross lmao well I guess I have a male then hah
  5. TraceyB4602

    What is it? Sea urchin spawning???

    So my sea urchin is spewing white stuff from the top near it's butt.... is this spawning?? We've had him for around 5 years and have never seen this before.
  6. TraceyB4602

    Help!!! Tank cycle using Turbostart 900

    What are the other levels at? Nitrite Nitrate Pho5 Alk PH
  7. TraceyB4602

    Removing detritus

    So I just realized that one of my power heads ( which is my under rock power head) stopped working. It's back in working mode now, was just stuck, but. Ow it's pumped up a lot of detritus that was apparently not getting flowed out while the power head was down. Any easy way to get this off my...
  8. TraceyB4602

    does anyone know about the tiny this worms on my fish tank walls??

    I don't understand your question. Please revise it and I think you will get more answers.
  9. TraceyB4602

    To much live rock?

    Wow luck you! I wish I could find a deal like that
  10. TraceyB4602

    Eletric goes out what to do?

    Buy a generator!! (if you have the money) I wish I had one back when the hurricane hit we lost power for three days and loss our favorite long spine sea urchin and the other guys wouldn't have made it one more day. I just used a spatula and swished the water around to keep the water agitated...
  11. TraceyB4602

    To much live rock?

    It depends, is that just a wall of live rock and there is room in the front and back or is that taking up the whole back wall? And how many fish do you have in there? People keep as little as 1# per gallon and up to 3# per gallon, you just need to think if you have enough free swimming places...
  12. TraceyB4602

    What is this moss like plant?

    It looks like an algae but I have no idea we like it though do its not goin anywhere
  13. TraceyB4602

    What is this moss like plant?

    Here are some better pics from my real camera...
  14. TraceyB4602

    What is this moss like plant?

    It kind of looks like that due to the busyness but the "leafs" themselves are thicker and look more like ferns
  15. TraceyB4602

    Good or bad snail?

    I have a bunch in my tank they are good snails. They eat the algae off of your sand and the rocks and everything else they can get into. I bought them off live aquaria as part of a clean up crew. I believe they are called narcissia snails... Spelling is def wrong but close
  16. TraceyB4602

    What is this moss like plant?

    So we have this new growth in our tank and it is beautiful I would let it grown everywhere if I new what it was and if it's good or bad. So far it's only in one little spot of our tank attached to a rock near the surface. It looks kinda like moss. It's bushy and doesn't seem to be spreading just...
  17. TraceyB4602

    90 gallon tank and apartment floor

    We live on the second floor and we have a 90 gallon tank on our living room. No problem yet. It's on a wooden stand so the weigh is distributed evenly. So far the floor shows no warping or anything. Our landlord was stupid we told her we had about 10 fish and she said fish were ok and in our...
  18. TraceyB4602

    Glowing dead fish.

    I keep my dead Leporinus in my freezer... He is awaiting stuffing. We're going to hang him on the wall. I have never seen any of my fish glow after they died. That's odd.
  19. TraceyB4602

    Baby Corydoras!!

    I never found eggs, I just woke up one morning and saw babies scurrying around the bottom savaging for food and I was like omg! And I texted my fiancé at work with a picture ha I was so excited. I still only have seen two at once so I'm not sure if there are more.
  20. TraceyB4602

    Baby Corydoras!!

    First 2 pics are the baby's and the last one the baby is on the right with the drift wood and the potential mommy is on the skull Blurry I know I can't seem to get a good pic Sorry for the confusion of different posters... He's my bf and I was on the iPad added pics with my iPhone ha
  21. TraceyB4602

    What do you feed your fish?

    No lol twice a week and flakes in between
  22. TraceyB4602

    45G Planted questions

    This is all very helpful but my dilemma right now is figuring out wattage. I want high light plants so I need 4wpg. What fixture would give me the best result, ad my tank is a 45 tall. And should I go with 2 or 4 bulbs. An if I go with four should I get pink and white bulbs pink and blue bulbs...
  23. TraceyB4602

    What do you feed your fish?

    I feed my tank with a ground up mix that I make myself, it includes scallops, mussels, clams, shrimp, spinach, carrots, nori, and tobiko
  24. TraceyB4602

    your cleanup crew and tank size

    Ever since we added a sump to our set-up and started using ro water we haven't seen much algae at all. They are all doing good as far as I can see, no shells empty. We do feed them ( and our fish/anemones) 1 tablespoon, 2-3 times a week with our own mix of food ( ground up scallops, shrimp...
  25. TraceyB4602

    Our 100g don't know what yet build

    And I have reached my attachment quota..... does anyone know how to solve this?
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