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  1. CfishGo

    Aquarium Bluegill (Brim) Feeding

    Insects for sure. You might want to try soaking food before feeding cause Blue Gills usually feed more towards the bottom in ponds and by soaking first food will sink faster. Bug bytes may be an option.
  2. CfishGo

    What do I do now?

    I found out they are tank bred and raised. I think that's a good thing and I also found out the water ph, kh, and gh they were raised in is very close to mine. My nitrites went back down to 0. The nitrates are holding at 5.0. Eating good, swimming good and growing. I can't believe how fast they...
  3. CfishGo

    Leopard Danios Dying Quickly!

    Did you use a water conditioner/declorinator when you filled your aquarium? I'm sorry for asking if you already said you did I must have missed that part.
  4. CfishGo

    Reverse respiration

    There's a lot of information in google about it but keeping it simple you do this: 1. Place plants in pail/bucket 2. Pour carbonated water in bucket (cover plants completely) 3. Place in dark for 12 hours. 4. Plant your plants. That's the gist of it. I use a Styrofoam container that plants...
  5. CfishGo

    What do I do now?

    Yes it is the 75g one. My intent was to wait until spring or summer before adding anything. It was always going to be a species only tank but I hadn't decided on the species yet and Congos never even crossed my mind! I followed the directions for cycling a tank with plants and used dead shrimp...
  6. CfishGo

    What do I do now?

    Was gone most of the day yesterday running errands and came home to an unwanted surprise. Anyone who thinks it's a great idea to gift fish and put said fish in someone else's aquarium when they are not around deserves 50 lashes with at the least a wet noodle! I'm not ready for fish! Yes, my...
  7. CfishGo

    Reverse respiration

    I opted to go with the reverse respiration method to control snails, pest and bacteria being introduced into my aquarium via plants. It's easy, cheap and it's working for me. Also, the plants appear lusher and initially seem to be growing very well. I also use the snip method before placing...
  8. CfishGo

    Fish dead after 1 hour in bag from pet shop

    I've heard of rummy nose playing dead when bagged. I think there are several types of fish that do it. Not saying that's the case here just that it can happen.
  9. CfishGo

    Nitrate poisoning and I'm desperate to save my fish!!!! Please help...

    Just wanted to stick this in here for future readers etc. If you are giving your fish veggies try to purchase organic veggies as they are supposed to be grown without the use of chemicals. Wash, blanch and peel (if applicable) before feeding. If you are using non-organic veggies, always peel...
  10. CfishGo

    New Aquarium - Fishless Cycling - Could Use Help

    If you don't want to go through the waiting period for your plants to transition from emersed to submerged growth you can use scissors and cut the leaves off and then place in the aquarium. It doesn't take long for new leaves to start growing and they will be the leaves that will survive...
  11. CfishGo

    What could all this be?

    Biofilm on the new wood. Oto's love it. Nerites are suppose to love it but that hasn't been my experience. Once it starts it goes fast. Maybe you didn't notice it when you were doing a water change? Wood scraping plecos like it also. Just gotta make sure you get the right one. It won't hurt...
  12. CfishGo

    Nitrate poisoning and I'm desperate to save my fish!!!! Please help...

    Hi Libby! I can't speak about meds and stuff like that but wanted to let you know what I learned many years ago about feeding peas. Many years ago I'd give my fish peas but I had to prepare them before they would eat them. I'd take the peas and drop them in a cup of boiling water for about a...
  13. CfishGo

    Hospital tank question

    If it were me, I would. Just so he can chill while trying to recover.
  14. CfishGo

    Filter question/s

    Omg, thank you for sharing his video. I'll probably end up dumping the matrix and using something else. The matrix came with it and it was bagged. After plants, driftwood, rocks, substrate etc. I figured I would just consider it a 50 g to be on the safe side when stocking but I'm going for a...
  15. CfishGo

    Filter question/s

    Thank you! Yes, I was thinking the matrix should be last but wasn't really sure. I have 400 grams of matrix in the filter. The extra sponge I put in was to have a backup for my quarantine tank but I've decided I really don't need to do that because by the time I need to quarantine anything I'll...
  16. CfishGo

    Filter question/s

    On 75G I opted to go with a Tidal wave 110. Water flows over 2, 30ppi sponges first, next is a bag of biomedia (Matrix), next is floss with final stage being a polishing pad. I have no fish yet. I want to get some age on the system and I want the plants to get well established before adding...
  17. CfishGo

    Did low ph kill my Danio

    It's truly sad to see the deformities in fish for sale at big box stores these days. Inline breeding and paas along bad genetics appears to have gone rabid. Not saying that's what happened here. When I saw the pic it reminded me of some fish I saw last time I went to our only lfs.
  18. CfishGo

    pH question…

    How mature is your setup? Not for sure how much you should be feeding your occupants however I can never remember a time that I fed more than once a day and I've always skipped feeding one day a week. That's not to say you should. I can only speak to my experiences. If you change to once a day...
  19. CfishGo

    Strange Brown Creature

    It's kinda hard to see them on my end. A bit to fuzzy on my screen but if no shells then it isn't snails. Some snails will temporarily leave water but snails don't have legs. :)
  20. CfishGo

    Strange Brown Creature

    Baby snails maybe?
  21. CfishGo

    pH question…

    To much phosphorus can cause an algae bloom or cloudy water in my experience. If things have been going along fine then suddenly started changing check your fish food. Some use phosphorus as a preservative the cheaper foods use quite a bit. I'd back off feeding so much and get a better food if...
  22. CfishGo

    Water testing question and thoughts

    Yes, it always cracks me up when I read "experts" telling hobbyists to mimic a farm raised fishes natural habitat. As in what I ask..a concrete bathtub full of nothing? An exaggeration but I'm sure you get my point. We as hobbyist for the most part are only exposed to fish who have been bred for...
  23. CfishGo

    Water testing question and thoughts

    Thank you Aiken for sharing your thoughts on this. I hope others will share as well.
  24. CfishGo

    Water testing question and thoughts

    I'm still in the process of setting up a 70g and 10g (for quarantine purposes). Both are filled and I've started the planting in the 70g. I'm in no hurry for livestock and have opted to begin the cycle with bagged organics. Slow yes, but like I stated I'm in no hurry. Testing my tap water...
  25. CfishGo

    I have 2 plecos and 70 guppies in 40 Gallon tall tank?

    Just a thought here but if you don't have a quarantine tank or a hospital tank it may be worth keeping the extra tank around for emergencies just in case. If you have floating plants for fry to hide in you could remove them so the adult guppies can eat them for you. Just a few thoughts that came...
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