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  1. E

    Bacteria Supplement and Live Bacteria Substitue

    So I want to know if bacteria supplement and live bacteria actually work to speed up the nitrate cycle. My tank is about 3 weeks old. I have added both bacteria supplement and dr.tims nitrifying bacteria and my ammonia has been at a constant .5ppm the past 2 weeks. The live nitrifying bacteria...
  2. E

    Is This Stock Composition Possible?

    My aquarium is 55 gallons. I was wondering if it was possible to mix multiple Aulonocara Malawi Peacocks with Placidochromis electra? The common name for the placidochromis electra is a deep water Hap I read that you need to keep at least a 1:2 male/female ratio for each group. I don't really...
  3. E

    pH will not go down

    I just started a 55g aquarium about a week ago. The pH of our tap water is about 7.5, however, for the past 6 days, my tank has been stuck at about 8.5. When we first filled the tank, we had shells and geodes added for decoration. After 4 days had passed of the pH being stuck at 8.5, I decided...
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