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  1. C

    Is my Red Wag Swordtail in labor

    My Red Wag suprised me tonight. I have suspected she was pregnant but could not tell due to her coloration. Tonight however she is displaying a swollen stomach that is block shaped and I can make out the eyes of the fry. Right now she is laying on her side in the breeding net at the surface...
  2. C

    Lemon Tetras

    I added a small school of Lemon Tetras to my 29G last week and I assumed that their nipping at each other was a normal thing. However for the past couple of days they are shooting around the tank really going after each other. Do I need to add a couple more or what to settle things down. I...
  3. C

    Trying to Sex My Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis

    Hello Folks, I just added a pair of Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis to my 29Gal. and I am not sure of their sex. I did witness what I think my be breeding behavior last night though when they gently swam around each other over a large rock that I have in the center of my tank. There have also been...
  4. C

    Nitrate Levels

    I think that I am closing in on the end of my "Fishy" Cycle in my 29 Gallon. It has really started to look nice with plenty of plants to include one pice of driftwood that looks like a lady's high heel shoe draped in Java Moss. Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0.5 PH = 7.8 My question is at...
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    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    I have a 29 Gallon setup and have started cycling with 3 Swordtails. I have a stocking scheme and wanted to run this by the forum to make sure that I am not stretching things a bit... 3 Swordtails 8 Pristellas 6 Lemons or Bleeding Heart Tetras 2 Dwarf Gouramis 4 Corys My tank is a...
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