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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. K

    Who setup the forum?

    I see you guys have the attachment mod I want on our club's forum,, was wondering if the person taht set it up or has before could help me out with a few things. I found this site while looking for the mod, I just randomly clicked it and was very suprissed to find an Aquarium site. I have a...
  2. K

    Filter Question

    New to the site, sorry if this is in the wrong place. :oops: I'm looking to get an XP3 for my 55 long tank. I have 5 silver dollars, 3 pictus catfish, and a school of tiger barbs of about 20. The filtering right now does a decent job, but as you can imaging in this tank its easy to trow...
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